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Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

giovedì, gennaio 21, 2016

‘Adhesives for Parchment Treatment’ | The Book & Paper Gathering

"Adhesives for Parchment Treatment’

A training day at the National Records of Scotland Conservation Services Branch with Antoinette Curtis and Yuki Russell

Author’s note: I am very grateful to Antoinette Curtis for generously offering to review the lines that follow. It is now a few weeks since Antoinette retired (congratulations!) and I feel so glad to have had the chance to benefit not only from the latest fruits of her smart research, but also from the example of the craftsman’s attitude with which that research has been pursued. I owe the same degree of gratitude to Head of Conservation Linda Ramsay and colleagues at the National Records of Scotland.

Following on from the success of the ARA training day on adhesives held at General Register House of the National Records of Scotland (NRS) on 5 November 2014, Antoinette Curtis and Yuki Russell, from the Norfolk Record Office (NRO), were invited to visit the Conservation Services Branch of the NRS to deliver a workshop on the principles, materials and techniques currently applied in the treatment of parchment at the NRO.

The workshop, as rich in theoretical information as in practical tips, took place on 18 March 2015 and included presentations and demonstrations on the properties and use of gelatine, isinglass, ZorbixSM and alum-tawed caecum, as well as an update on the Apocalypto Project."

read more: ‘Adhesives for Parchment Treatment’ | The Book & Paper Gathering:

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