Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Tavola Rotonda: Presentazione: "Tavola Rotonda
Tavola Rotonda, 10 giugno 2010
La tavola rotonda programmata a conclusione del Convegno internazionale 'Meeting on Cultural Heritage Pests' affronterà i temi 'Diagnosi e prevenzione' e 'Attuali possibilità di difesa'. Tale occasione, promossa e realizzata dal CPBC, centro di ricerca universitario, vuole quindi essere un momento di confronto aperto e onesto sulle problematiche attuali relative alla conservazione dei beni culturali. Di conseguenza, pur essendo svincolata da specifiche esigenze commerciali, considera la realtà operativa italiana ed è rivolta agli operatori di tutto il territorio nazionale, siano questi tecnici della disinfestazione, del restauro o dirigenti di strutture preposte alla conservazione.
La tavola rotonda prenderà avvio da interventi di ricercatori che, sulla base di dati sperimentali e conoscenze scientifiche, riassumeranno lo stato dell'arte a coloro che, operando come conservatori, affrontano concretamente i problemi connessi al degrado biotico.
Di seguito è previsto un momento di dibattito tra gli intervenuti per condividere risultati, dubbi e problemi sulle fondamentali necessità del settore.
Un attestato di partecipazione verrà rilasciato a coloro che ne faranno richiesta.
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Questo blog è dedicato al restauro dei libri, dei manoscritti e della carta in generale, ma anche alla loro conservazione prevenzione e patologie. Ovviamente è aperto al contributo di restauratori, bibliotecari e archivisti e comunque di chiunque abbia a cuore la conservazione del libro inteso come manufatto e non solo come veicolo di un testo ...
motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario
Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari
Nuovamente funzionante !
è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso !
scarica il salvaschermo
venerdì, maggio 27, 2011
giovedì, maggio 26, 2011
CorsoRestauroFotografia2011.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf)
CorsoRestauroFotografia2011.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf): "- Inviata con Google Toolbar"
martedì, maggio 24, 2011
lunedì, maggio 23, 2011
Position at Bookconservation
Position at Bookconservation Sabine Fleischer
Assistant Book Conservator (full-time)
Bookconservation Sabine Fleischer
Term: One year (term may be extended)
The Book Conservation lab Sabine Fleischer is located in Nijmegen
(NL) and provides conservation treatment, preventive care and
consultancy for preservation for book collections. The conservation
lab works for public institutions such as libraries, for church and
monastery foundations and for private book collectors nationally and
internationally. The objects vary from bound manuscripts to printed
books, pamphlets, and albums.
The Book Conservator should have a Master's degree from a recognized
graduate conservation training program specialized in book
conservation. Pre-training in hand-bookbinding as well as
post-training experience and the willingness to learn Dutch is
highly desirable.
Other qualifications:
Ability to develop and implement treatments independently, as
well as a part of a team
Strong knowledge of historical bookbinding structures
Understanding of materials and techniques, theory and ethics of
book conservation and related materials
Excellent hand skills, attention to detail
Excellent interpersonal skills, as well as motivation and
Ability to prioritise and organise work
Ability to set and meet deadlines
All work shall be performed in accordance with the Code of Ethics
from The European Confederation of Conservators' Organisations
Salary commensurate with experience.
Please send your application before June 30, 2011 to:
Bookconservation Sabine Fleischer
2e Walstraat 18a
6511 LV Nijmegen
The Netherlands
fleischer_s [at] bookconservation__eu
+31 24 322 21 48
Assistant Book Conservator (full-time)
Bookconservation Sabine Fleischer
Term: One year (term may be extended)
The Book Conservation lab Sabine Fleischer is located in Nijmegen
(NL) and provides conservation treatment, preventive care and
consultancy for preservation for book collections. The conservation
lab works for public institutions such as libraries, for church and
monastery foundations and for private book collectors nationally and
internationally. The objects vary from bound manuscripts to printed
books, pamphlets, and albums.
The Book Conservator should have a Master's degree from a recognized
graduate conservation training program specialized in book
conservation. Pre-training in hand-bookbinding as well as
post-training experience and the willingness to learn Dutch is
highly desirable.
Other qualifications:
Ability to develop and implement treatments independently, as
well as a part of a team
Strong knowledge of historical bookbinding structures
Understanding of materials and techniques, theory and ethics of
book conservation and related materials
Excellent hand skills, attention to detail
Excellent interpersonal skills, as well as motivation and
Ability to prioritise and organise work
Ability to set and meet deadlines
All work shall be performed in accordance with the Code of Ethics
from The European Confederation of Conservators' Organisations
Salary commensurate with experience.
Please send your application before June 30, 2011 to:
Bookconservation Sabine Fleischer
2e Walstraat 18a
6511 LV Nijmegen
The Netherlands
fleischer_s [at] bookconservation__eu
+31 24 322 21 48
venerdì, maggio 06, 2011
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