Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration: Understanding of the Parchment in the Medieval Manuscripts: Understanding of the Parchment in the Medieval Manuscripts
Practical parchment making workshop
21st – 26th May 2012, Horn, Austria
Further education course held by Jiří Vnouček, conservator, The Royal Library Copenhagen.
Parchment is one of the oldest and also most durable writing materials. To be able to secure its proper preservation or eventual conservation it is very important to understand its complicated structure and way of the behavior. Experiments with practical parchment making can help to learn more about parchment in medieval manuscripts and even more to recognize different types of imperfection and defects coming already from its production so they are misunderstood with damage coming from later use and way of storage of the manuscripts.
Structure of the course
Practical parchment making workshop which will cover all basic steps in the parchment making: dehairing, cleaning of the flesh side, stretching on the frames, dry shaving and pouncing, final surface treatment, preparation for writing of the manuscript.
Theoretical lectures about the history of the parchment-making and different types of the parchments for writing purposes and the way of their preparation.
Lectures about the visual examination of the parchment in the medieval manuscripts and interpretation of their damage and imperfection coming from the manufacture of the parchment (based on personal experience of this parchment-making course)
Practical visual examinationtion and identification of different damage in real historical manuscripts. Duration of course 5 days of theoretical lectures (morning) and practical parchment making (afternoon) will include at least half day of excursion to nearby archive or library where would be possible to study historical parchment material.
Course is designed for the conservators of parchment who have already some knowledge about parchment and good practical experience with its conservation and want to learn more about writing parchment made for medieval manuscripts. But the course could be also found interesting for codicologists or curators of manuscript collection. The course main target is to understand the parchment and not parchment conservation. On another hand certain discussion about conservation of parchment will be raised by understanding of its special characteristics and behavior which come from the way in which is produced.
The course language will be English. The deadline for application is one mounth before the course starts. The course fee plus accommodation (4 nights) is 700.00 € plus 10% VAT. The number of participants is restricted to 7. »»» Registration
The venue is the Renaissance castle housing the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration.
Accommodation during the course is within the building and is included in the price.
After application you will be provided with further information.
Participant also can bring own samples if they wish to.
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Questo blog è dedicato al restauro dei libri, dei manoscritti e della carta in generale, ma anche alla loro conservazione prevenzione e patologie. Ovviamente è aperto al contributo di restauratori, bibliotecari e archivisti e comunque di chiunque abbia a cuore la conservazione del libro inteso come manufatto e non solo come veicolo di un testo ...
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è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso !
scarica il salvaschermo
lunedì, novembre 28, 2011
Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration: Understanding of the Parchment in the Medieval Manuscripts
Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration: Understanding of the Parchment in the Medieval Manuscripts: Understanding of the Parchment in the Medieval Manuscripts
Practical parchment making workshop
21st – 26th May 2012, Horn, Austria
Further education course held by Jiří Vnouček, conservator, The Royal Library Copenhagen.
Parchment is one of the oldest and also most durable writing materials. To be able to secure its proper preservation or eventual conservation it is very important to understand its complicated structure and way of the behavior. Experiments with practical parchment making can help to learn more about parchment in medieval manuscripts and even more to recognize different types of imperfection and defects coming already from its production so they are misunderstood with damage coming from later use and way of storage of the manuscripts.
Structure of the course
Practical parchment making workshop which will cover all basic steps in the parchment making: dehairing, cleaning of the flesh side, stretching on the frames, dry shaving and pouncing, final surface treatment, preparation for writing of the manuscript.
Theoretical lectures about the history of the parchment-making and different types of the parchments for writing purposes and the way of their preparation.
Lectures about the visual examination of the parchment in the medieval manuscripts and interpretation of their damage and imperfection coming from the manufacture of the parchment (based on personal experience of this parchment-making course)
Practical visual examinationtion and identification of different damage in real historical manuscripts. Duration of course 5 days of theoretical lectures (morning) and practical parchment making (afternoon) will include at least half day of excursion to nearby archive or library where would be possible to study historical parchment material.
Course is designed for the conservators of parchment who have already some knowledge about parchment and good practical experience with its conservation and want to learn more about writing parchment made for medieval manuscripts. But the course could be also found interesting for codicologists or curators of manuscript collection. The course main target is to understand the parchment and not parchment conservation. On another hand certain discussion about conservation of parchment will be raised by understanding of its special characteristics and behavior which come from the way in which is produced.
The course language will be English. The deadline for application is one mounth before the course starts. The course fee plus accommodation (4 nights) is 700.00 € plus 10% VAT. The number of participants is restricted to 7. »»» Registration
The venue is the Renaissance castle housing the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration.
Accommodation during the course is within the building and is included in the price.
After application you will be provided with further information.
Participant also can bring own samples if they wish to.
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Practical parchment making workshop
21st – 26th May 2012, Horn, Austria
Further education course held by Jiří Vnouček, conservator, The Royal Library Copenhagen.
Parchment is one of the oldest and also most durable writing materials. To be able to secure its proper preservation or eventual conservation it is very important to understand its complicated structure and way of the behavior. Experiments with practical parchment making can help to learn more about parchment in medieval manuscripts and even more to recognize different types of imperfection and defects coming already from its production so they are misunderstood with damage coming from later use and way of storage of the manuscripts.
Structure of the course
Practical parchment making workshop which will cover all basic steps in the parchment making: dehairing, cleaning of the flesh side, stretching on the frames, dry shaving and pouncing, final surface treatment, preparation for writing of the manuscript.
Theoretical lectures about the history of the parchment-making and different types of the parchments for writing purposes and the way of their preparation.
Lectures about the visual examination of the parchment in the medieval manuscripts and interpretation of their damage and imperfection coming from the manufacture of the parchment (based on personal experience of this parchment-making course)
Practical visual examinationtion and identification of different damage in real historical manuscripts. Duration of course 5 days of theoretical lectures (morning) and practical parchment making (afternoon) will include at least half day of excursion to nearby archive or library where would be possible to study historical parchment material.
Course is designed for the conservators of parchment who have already some knowledge about parchment and good practical experience with its conservation and want to learn more about writing parchment made for medieval manuscripts. But the course could be also found interesting for codicologists or curators of manuscript collection. The course main target is to understand the parchment and not parchment conservation. On another hand certain discussion about conservation of parchment will be raised by understanding of its special characteristics and behavior which come from the way in which is produced.
The course language will be English. The deadline for application is one mounth before the course starts. The course fee plus accommodation (4 nights) is 700.00 € plus 10% VAT. The number of participants is restricted to 7. »»» Registration
The venue is the Renaissance castle housing the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration.
Accommodation during the course is within the building and is included in the price.
After application you will be provided with further information.
Participant also can bring own samples if they wish to.
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giovedì, novembre 10, 2011
Line, Shade & Shadow: Fabrication and Preservation of Architectural Drawings - Syracuse University Library
Line, Shade & Shadow: Fabrication and Preservation of Architectural Drawings - Syracuse University Library: Line, Shade & Shadow: Fabrication and Preservation of Architectural Drawings
Lois Olcott Price
The Brodsky Series for the Advancement of Library Conservation was pleased to present Lois Olcott Price from the Winterthur Museum of the University of Delaware as its speaker on Friday, October 28nd at 4 p.m. Because architectural drawings are not created as an end in themselves, but as graphic documents to construct a building, sell a project or explore a design concept, the materials and techniques chosen by the drafter are particular to the function of the drawing as well as the period in which it was created. The interpretation and preservation of architectural drawings depends upon an understanding of their functions in architectural practice and on a working knowledge of drafting materials and techniques. This lecture will include tracing the use of supports, media and photo-reproductive processes used to create architectural drawings in the 18th to 20th centuries
The Workshop
This workshop emphasized the identification and understanding of materials and processes, and participants will have the opportunity to examine samples and ask questions. Building from this understanding of materials and using the available examples, we will also discuss housing and treatment options for these collections.
The workshop was attended by 14 students ranging in abilities from professionals drawn from regional libraries to first timers drawn from Syracuse University's iSchool and Museum Studies programs.
Lecture Video and Images
View the lecture online
View transcript of lecture (PDF)
View lecture slides (PDF)
View workshop handouts (PDF)
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Lois Olcott Price
The Brodsky Series for the Advancement of Library Conservation was pleased to present Lois Olcott Price from the Winterthur Museum of the University of Delaware as its speaker on Friday, October 28nd at 4 p.m. Because architectural drawings are not created as an end in themselves, but as graphic documents to construct a building, sell a project or explore a design concept, the materials and techniques chosen by the drafter are particular to the function of the drawing as well as the period in which it was created. The interpretation and preservation of architectural drawings depends upon an understanding of their functions in architectural practice and on a working knowledge of drafting materials and techniques. This lecture will include tracing the use of supports, media and photo-reproductive processes used to create architectural drawings in the 18th to 20th centuries
The Workshop
This workshop emphasized the identification and understanding of materials and processes, and participants will have the opportunity to examine samples and ask questions. Building from this understanding of materials and using the available examples, we will also discuss housing and treatment options for these collections.
The workshop was attended by 14 students ranging in abilities from professionals drawn from regional libraries to first timers drawn from Syracuse University's iSchool and Museum Studies programs.
Lecture Video and Images
View the lecture online
View transcript of lecture (PDF)
View lecture slides (PDF)
View workshop handouts (PDF)
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mercoledì, novembre 09, 2011
BnF - Fiches pratiques : restauration
BnF - Fiches pratiques : restauration: - Inviata con Google Toolbar
Il Pianeta Carta nel III Millennio II° edizione. Le origini marchigiane la Carta e Fabriano
Il Pianeta Carta nel III Millennio II° edizione. Le origini marchigiane la Carta e Fabriano
Il Pianeta Carta nel III Millennio II° edizione. Le origini marchigiane la Carta e Fabriano
Il Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari che già in passato ha presentato a cura del CeSMA la prima edizione della mostra promuove questa II° edizione questa volta con carattere prettamente marchigiano.
L’esposizione, concepita in due sezioni strettamente correlate, una storica propedeutica ed una contemporanea vuole portare all’attenzione del visitatore la CARTA, ed in questa occasione quella di Fabriano, quale protagonista principale, unica ed insostituibile nelle varie forme.
La sezione storica presenta alcuni documenti relativi al passaggio dall’uso della pergamena alla carta ed a seguire la carta per scrittura e stampa (dalla scrittura manuale a quella digitale); la filigrana (quale elemento di sicurezza e per riproduzioni artistiche);la carta per usi artistici (matita, carboncino, acquarello, tempera, incisioni, acquerelli); la carta per le banconote ed i valori .
Il percorso espositivo accompagnato da un ricco apparato iconografico espone una cospicua parte di materiali provenienti dal Museo della Carta e della Filigrana di Fabriano.
Curatori: Sandro Farroni e Venanzio Governatori.
Il nucleo contemporaneo, a cura di Stefania Severi, attraversa la seconda metà del XIX secolo fino ai giorni nostri, partendo da tre presenze ampiamente storicizzate: Guelfo; Sante Monachesi e Wladimiro Tulli.
Molti altri i nomi presenti nell’esposizione Eros Donnini, Renzo Barbarossa, Bruno d’Arcevia, Maurizio Meldolesi, Riccardo Piccardoni, Mario Sasso, Sandro Trotti Valeriano Trubbiani etc. che hanno scelto la CARTA per le loro opere.
Nell’ambito della mostra martedì 29 novembre a partire dalle ore 10.00 nella Sala Conferenze si terrà una giornata di studio dedicata alla Carta di Fabriano interverranno oltre al Direttore ad interim dell’Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia dott.ssa Daniela Porro,la Dott.ssa Antonella Fusco Direttore del Gabinetto Nazionale delle stampe la dott.ssa Maria Cristina Misiti direttore dell’Istituto per la Patologia del Libro, Franco Moschini Presidente del CeSMa, Sandro Farroni esperto di carta moneta, Stefania Severi, gli incisori Eros Donnini e Roberto Stelluti, Sante Martinelli tipografo “vecchia maniera”. Saranno tenute delle dimostrazioni sulla fabbricazione della carta. La giornata si concluderà con un assaggio di prodotti tipici marchigiani.
L’inaugurazione si terrà il 10 novembre 2011 alle ore 17,00
Il Pianeta Carta nel III Millennio II° edizione. Le origini marchigiane la Carta e Fabriano
Il Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari che già in passato ha presentato a cura del CeSMA la prima edizione della mostra promuove questa II° edizione questa volta con carattere prettamente marchigiano.
L’esposizione, concepita in due sezioni strettamente correlate, una storica propedeutica ed una contemporanea vuole portare all’attenzione del visitatore la CARTA, ed in questa occasione quella di Fabriano, quale protagonista principale, unica ed insostituibile nelle varie forme.
La sezione storica presenta alcuni documenti relativi al passaggio dall’uso della pergamena alla carta ed a seguire la carta per scrittura e stampa (dalla scrittura manuale a quella digitale); la filigrana (quale elemento di sicurezza e per riproduzioni artistiche);la carta per usi artistici (matita, carboncino, acquarello, tempera, incisioni, acquerelli); la carta per le banconote ed i valori .
Il percorso espositivo accompagnato da un ricco apparato iconografico espone una cospicua parte di materiali provenienti dal Museo della Carta e della Filigrana di Fabriano.
Curatori: Sandro Farroni e Venanzio Governatori.
Il nucleo contemporaneo, a cura di Stefania Severi, attraversa la seconda metà del XIX secolo fino ai giorni nostri, partendo da tre presenze ampiamente storicizzate: Guelfo; Sante Monachesi e Wladimiro Tulli.
Molti altri i nomi presenti nell’esposizione Eros Donnini, Renzo Barbarossa, Bruno d’Arcevia, Maurizio Meldolesi, Riccardo Piccardoni, Mario Sasso, Sandro Trotti Valeriano Trubbiani etc. che hanno scelto la CARTA per le loro opere.
Nell’ambito della mostra martedì 29 novembre a partire dalle ore 10.00 nella Sala Conferenze si terrà una giornata di studio dedicata alla Carta di Fabriano interverranno oltre al Direttore ad interim dell’Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia dott.ssa Daniela Porro,la Dott.ssa Antonella Fusco Direttore del Gabinetto Nazionale delle stampe la dott.ssa Maria Cristina Misiti direttore dell’Istituto per la Patologia del Libro, Franco Moschini Presidente del CeSMa, Sandro Farroni esperto di carta moneta, Stefania Severi, gli incisori Eros Donnini e Roberto Stelluti, Sante Martinelli tipografo “vecchia maniera”. Saranno tenute delle dimostrazioni sulla fabbricazione della carta. La giornata si concluderà con un assaggio di prodotti tipici marchigiani.
L’inaugurazione si terrà il 10 novembre 2011 alle ore 17,00
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