motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

domenica, settembre 29, 2013

Position at Tate Paper Conservator

Position at Tate

Paper Conservator

We are seeking an experienced paper conservator to work within our
Paper Conservation team in support of the Loans and Tate St. Ives
programme areas. Day-to-day, you will concentrate on assessing,
documenting and treating works of art within the Collection,
supporting all related programme activity and working closely with
the Conservation Manager and Senior Conservation Technician to plan
activity and workload.

You will hold a recognised qualification in the Conservation of
Works of Art on Paper or equivalent experience and have demonstrable
practical experience treating and stabilising a broad range of
artworks. It is essential to have analytical and problem-solving
skills, organisational and planning skills, and to be an effective
communicator. You will need to accurately estimate treatment and
framing requirements, work independently on conservation treatments
and provide specialist advice for storage, packing, transport and
installation of works of art.  Good end-user IT skills are required
and experience with historic and contemporary works of art on paper
and experience working in the museum sector is desirable. Frequent
travel is part of the role and a flexible approach is required.

Our jobs are like our galleries, open to all

The closing date for applications is 24 October 2013, Midnight.

To apply please go to>

to set up a Tate Jobs Account and submit an online application form.

For more information contact

    Sophie Young
    Tate Gallery HR Assistant
    +44 207 887 8027.

Position at Huntington Library

Book and Paper Conservation Technician
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens

The Huntington Library seeks applicants for a Book and Paper
Conservation Technician position.  The technician will work with the
conservation staff in support of the preservation of the Huntington
collections. This is a full-time position with benefits.

Responsibilities:  Performs basic repairs and other conservation
treatments determined appropriate by staff conservators on paper
based library and archival materials.  Documents work and keeps
statistics. Constructs protective housings such as corrugated boxes,
drop-spine boxes, 4-flaps, folders and encapsulations.  Participates
in environmental monitoring and disaster preparedness.  Assists
conservators with housekeeping, surveys and training interns.
Assists conservators with laboratory maintenance and ordering
supplies and equipment. Performs other duties in support of the
preservation of the collections as needed.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities:  Excellent eye-hand coordination.
Excellent interpersonal skills and willingness to work in a
team-oriented environment.   Good verbal and written communication
skills.  Must be in good physical condition in order to stoop, bend,
and lift and carry moderate (up to twenty pounds) and occasionally
heavy (up to 40 pounds) loads.

Preferred:  Bachelor's degree with background in related field such
as art, art history, or architecture. 1 year experience working with
the conservation of library or museum materials.

Interested individuals are encouraged to visit> for further information

First consideration will be given to applications received by
October 15th, 2013.

Please submit letter of application, resume, and three references


    The Huntington Library
    Human Resources Department - Job Number: 024-14
    1151 Oxford Road
    San Marino, CA 91108

Holly Moore
Lloyd E. Cotsen Head of Conservation
Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108
Fax: 626-405-3444

martedì, settembre 24, 2013

Is not parchment made of sheepskins? Ay, my lord, and of calfskins too... - Collection Care blog

 Il blog del laboratorio di restauro della British Library in un post ancor più bello del solito, grazie Mari-Luz!
 "Is not parchment made of sheepskins? Ay, my lord, and of calfskins too...

Hamlet (Act V, Scene I), William Shakespeare

Parchment and vellum

Parchment is an animal pelt, most often sheep, calf, or goatskin, which has been unhaired by liming or enzymatic action and then stretched on a frame while wet. This stretching and drying under tension causes the collagen fibres in the dermal layer to be realigned resulting in a thin, opaque membrane. Most commonly used as a writing substrate, parchment is also used as a covering for bookbindings and to make drumheads, among other things
read more: .Is not parchment made of sheepskins? Ay, my lord, and of calfskins too... - Collection Care blog:

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lunedì, settembre 23, 2013

Centro Regionale di Catalogazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali - Friuli Venezia Giulia

Centro Regionale di Catalogazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali - Friuli Venezia Giulia: "28 settembre 2013

Giornate europee del patrimonio 2013

Sabato 28 settembre 2013, dalle ore 10 alle 12, sarà possibile visitare i laboratori della Scuola regionale per la conservazione e il restauro dei beni culturali del Friuli Venezia Giulia, una delle poche istituzioni italiane accreditate all’organizzazione di corsi quinquennali per restauratori di beni culturali.

Informazioni e prenotazioni:
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Centro regionale di catalogazione e restauro dei beni culturali
Scuola regionale di conservazione e restauro
Villa Manin, esedra di ponente - 33033 Passariano (UD);
Tel. 0432 824140; fax. 0432 824 905147

Rassegna stampa:

Il Centro di catalogazione apre i laboratori al pubblico, "Messaggero Veneto", 3 settembre 2013

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martedì, settembre 17, 2013

Firenze, 16 ottobre 2013 Dusan C. Stulik (Senior Scientist - Getty Conservation Institute) 20th Century: The Golden Era of Chemical Photography

Università degli Studi di Firenze - Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
SISF - Società Italiana per lo Studio della Fotografia
Vi invitano a incontrare il 16 ottobre 2013:
Dusan C. Stulik (Senior Scientist - Getty Conservation Institute)*
che terrà una lezione sui materiali fotografici del secolo XX dal titolo:

20th Century: The Golden Era of Chemical Photography 

A un primo sguardo, la fotografia del secolo XX sembra dominata dalla tecnologia della gelatina ai sali d'argento in bianco e nero, almeno fino all'affermazione definitiva, dopo il 1960, della fotografia a colori. In realtà, la storia dei procedimenti fotografici è molto più complessa e passa attraverso la persistenza dei materiali ottocenteschi accanto a una sperimentazione continua, che nasce dalle piccole case produttrici per approdare alla grande produzione industriale, mai standardizzata e in costante evoluzione: aspetto questo sovente sottovalutato nella descrizione e nello studio dei materiali fotografici novecenteschi.
Gli aspetti storici e tecnologici dei procedimenti fotografici delineati durante la lezione sono pensati per aiutare gli operatori e gli archivisti, i curatori dei fondi e tutti gli specialisti nel campo della conservazione della fotografia a sviluppare strategie sicure e fattibili per l'immagazzinamento, gli interventi di restauro e l'esposizione delle fotografie del secolo XX.
Gli studenti potranno ricevere una solida base per costruire la propria conoscenza del materiale e del linguaggio fotografico, grazie ad un excursus storico che va dall'uso della pellicola infiammabile in nitrato di cellulosa, fino all'era digitale.

La presentazione chiarirà anche il perché possiamo correttamente definire il secolo XX come "l'Epoca d'Oro della Fotografia Chimica"

*Dusan C. Stulik è "senior scientist" e "project leader" del Getty Conservation Institute. Dopo il dottorato di ricerca conseguito presso l'Accademia Cecoslovacca delle Scienze a Praga, è stato professore di Chimica presso la Washington State University e professore di Scienze dei Materiali presso la Cornell University. Attualmente opera nell'ambito delle metodologie diagnostiche applicate alla ricerca, all'identificazione, alla caratterizzazione delle fotografie e dei materiali fotografici presso il Getty Conservation Institute, nonché di formazione nell'ambito di progetti internazionali.

La lezione si terrà mercoledì 16 ottobre, alle ore 16.30, presso il Dipartimento SAGAS dell'Università di Firenze, via Gino Capponi,  9 - aula 12 (1° piano) e sarà introdotta da Barbara Cattaneo e Tiziana Serena.
L'iscrizione è libera e gratuita, ma obbligatoria, per esigenze di organizzazione e per assicurare il rilascio di un attestato di presenza ai partecipanti.
La lezione sarà in inglese, verrà tuttavia fornita la traduzione in italiano del testo-traccia dell'intervento, oltre a un servizio di interpretariato per la sezione delle domande e risposte previste a termine della lezione. 
Per contatti e iscrizioni, inviare un email a, copiando e incollando il seguente oggetto:
20th Century: The Golden Era of Chemical Photography - 16 ottobre 2013

lunedì, settembre 16, 2013

The Fix – Re-housing – Smithsonian Libraries Blog


Re-housing is one of the least glamorous but most important responsibilities of the Smithsonian Libraries Conservation Department.  Re-housing encompasses placing library materials into protective enclosures ranging from ready-made acid free envelopes to intricate custom made boxes.  It is a way to treat a large number of materials fairly quickly providing them with a stable environment.
read more...:

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venerdì, settembre 13, 2013

ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science

 "ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science"
ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science
11 September. From 16-18 October, in the prestigious premises of the Istituto per la Grafica, Rome, more than 80 leading conservation practitioners, scientists, educators and managers from around the world will meet to engage in critical discussions about how science should serve present and future cultural heritage conservation needs on a global scale.
This event is the culmination of a two year collaborative project involving 15 partner institutions worldwide, who supported a variety of data collections and analysis which will feed the Forum debates. These include surveys of institutions and professionals, national and regional strategic reviews, and reviews of trends in conservation science literature.
Using the lessons learnt from successful and innovative case study examples, the Forum seeks to define tools and approaches to anticipate cultural heritage conservation needs and develop relevant and impactful conservation science. To provide fresh insights and inspiration at the start of each day, a single keynote will be delivered by a speaker from a field outside cultural heritage conservation. Following this, the meeting will break into small working group discussions, on a number of key topics fundamental to the connections between conservation, science, and society.

The Islamic Manuscript Association Tenth Anniversary Conference: Manuscripts and Conflict

The Islamic Manuscript Association Tenth Anniversary Conference: Manuscripts and Conflict: "

The Islamic Manuscript Association Tenth Anniversary Conference: Manuscripts and Conflict

The Islamic Manuscript Association is pleased to announce that the Tenth Islamic Manuscript Conference will be held at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge from 31 August - 2 September 2014. The conference will be hosted in cooperation with the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation and the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge.

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martedì, settembre 10, 2013

Twitter / massimobray: All'ICPAL a vedere il Codice ...

Twitter / massimobray: All'ICPAL a vedere il Codice ...:

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A-a-a-chooo! Collection Care’s Dust Busters - Collection Care blog

A-a-a-chooo! Collection Care’s Dust Busters

Dust is one of the most ubiquitous substances in the workplace, and nearly impossible to eradicate entirely. It can cause a range of problems to objects and collections, depending on its nature. The Preventive Conservation team in Collection Care work across all areas of the library putting measures in place to protect the collections from harm, to inhibit the progress of existing damage/deterioration, and to prevent new damage from occurring. The team are continually working to monitor and establish the causes of high and low dust levels to protect our collections.
Dust build-up
CC by Figure 1: High shelf surfaces can experience severe dust build-up if not regularly cleaned
- See more at:

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giovedì, settembre 05, 2013

Conservation and Scientific Research | Freer and Sackler Galleries

In basso a destra i link con le pubblicazioni on line sulla conservazione dei rotoli e le istruzioni sul come fare le scatole per ospitarli

Conservation and Scientific Research | Freer and Sackler Galleries

To Post-it or Not to Post-it

To Post-it or Not to Post-it

Even in the conservation lab of the Smithsonian Institution Archives, land of acid-free bookmarks and conservation-grade adhesives, I recently found myself looking high and low for a practical Post-it note. It was the perfect way to temporarily label a jar of adhesive for one day's use, instead of cutting out a small piece of paper and taping it to the jar. So much extra work! Created around 1960 by Art Fry and Silver Spencer (legend has it that they were trying to create a strong, durable adhesive but kept making this weak low-tack adhesive by accident), the humble Post-it note is now a fixture of office culture. So simple and easy to use, what is there not to love about them?!
Visitors’ doodle images of spacesuits and astronauts at the Columbia Memorial Space Museum, Downey, California, May 18, 2012, Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibit Service.
Visitors’ doodle images of spacesuits and astronauts at the Columbia Memorial Space Museum, Downey, California, May 18, 2012, Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibit Service.

mercoledì, settembre 04, 2013

martedì, settembre 03, 2013

Gloves off for filming at the archives

Ha ragione da vendere, a parte per i materiali fotografici e che possono essere segnati dalle ditate...

Gloves off for filming at the archives:
The gloves are off
Posted by Hannah Clare in Behind the scenes
How many of us have thought that white cotton gloves are a must for the safe handling of precious documents? What do you think when you see archival documents being handled with white gloves on television?

Well, until I became a Conservator at The National Archives, I hadn’t really questioned the need for them; when I saw the white gloves in the media I assumed that they indicated the document was being well treated and cared for." read more

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lunedì, settembre 02, 2013

Collections Conservator Princeton University Library

Position at Princeton

Collections Conservator
Princeton University Library

The Princeton University Library is seeking a Collections
Conservator to join the Preservation Office.  We welcome
applications from colleagues at all stages in their careers.
Potential applicants who would like to learn more about the
position, the Preservation Office, the Library and Princeton are
encouraged to contact Maria Grandinette
Recommendations for candidates are also welcome.

The Princeton University Library is one of the world's leading
research libraries, serving a diverse community of 5,200
undergraduates, 2,600 graduate students, 853 faculty members, and
many visiting scholars. Its holdings include more than 7 million
printed volumes, 5 million manuscripts, 2 million non-print items,
and extensive collections of digital text, data, and images.  The
Library employs a dedicated and knowledgeable staff of more than 300
professional and support staff working in a large central library, 9
specialized branches, and 3 storage facilities.

Major Responsibilities:  The Collections Conservator is responsible
for a broad range of activities that, taken together, help insure
preservation and access to Princeton University Library's
collection. The three key areas of responsibility for this position
include: management of general collections conservation, management
of general and special collections housing, and oversight and
maintenance of the department's on-going preventive preservation

Working in a production environment, the Collections Conservator
manages the repair, housing, and reformatting of general collections
materials with sensitivity to their historical and intrinsic value,
as well as a pragmatism that responds to the needs required by
everyday use. Employing a treatment to specification approach, the
Collections Conservator sets repair, housing, and reformatting
criteria that include materials selection, sorting, workflow,
recordkeeping, inventory control, contracting, and quality
assurance.  The Collections Conservator serves as one of the primary
preservation liaisons to collection managers and staff throughout
the Library.  She or he offers assistance and advice on the handling
and preservation of damaged and deteriorated paper-based general
collections materials including recommending treatment options,
priorities, and courses of action. She or he works closely with the
Head, Preservation and our colleagues in collection development and
technical services to ensure thoughtful decision making and
workflows for the repair, commercial library binding, care and
reformatting of brittle materials, and contract preservation
photocopying and boxing of materials.  The Collections Conservator
supervises and trains the conservation technicians and performs
complex treatments for books held in the general collection.

The Collections Conservator works in close association with
Preservation Office staff including the Head, Preservation and the
Paper and Rare Books Conservators.  As part of this team, and in
close collaboration with curators throughout the Library, she or he
contributes to the formulation of preservation priorities and
strategies for housing Princeton University Library's special and
general collections materials and has oversight for their

The Collections Conservator plays a key role in ensuring that the
department's preventive preservation programs remain robust and
responsive to staff and patron preservation needs as well as the
wide variety of environmental conditions throughout Firestone, the
branch libraries, Technical Services, and ReCAP-the library's
high-density preservation storage facility.  The Collections
Conservator is responsible for the on-going maintenance of the
environmental monitoring and integrated pest management programs and
the emergency response plan.  In addition, she or he collaborates
with the Rare Books and Paper Conservators and the Head,
Preservation to provide advice and direction in the care and
handling of library materials for both patrons and staff.  This
position reports directly to the Head of Library Preservation.

Essential Qualifications:  Bachelor's degree.  At least five years
bench experience at the professional level in an academic or
research library general collections and/or conservation program.
Two or more years managing a general collections conservation or
similar program. Current knowledge of and experience in the ethics,
practices, and techniques employed in the conservation of general
collections of library research materials, including broad knowledge
and experience in bookbinding and book conservation. Must
demonstrate excellent treatment and decision-making skills and
successful outcomes in general collections conservation; have
excellent interpersonal skills and work effectively with staff at
all levels within a highly complex organization; be able to work as
part of a team with preservation and conservation peers and
colleagues; and be able to work independently and plan and structure
one's supervisory, treatment and management responsibilities
accordingly. Demonstrated and proven experience coordinating
conservation treatment and preservation activities among a number of

Preferred Qualifications:  Advanced degree in book conservation
through an accredited graduate or equivalent certificate program,
formal apprenticeship, or equivalent experience.  Six or more years'
experience working in an academic library. Three or more years
supervising conservation support staff and managing a general
collections or similar preservation program. Demonstrated experience
with environmental monitoring, pest management, and/or disaster
planning and response in a library or other cultural heritage
environment.  An applicant who is chosen for an interview must
present a portfolio of their work in general collections
conservation, including samples of binding work.

Compensation and Benefits:  Princeton offers competitive salaries
and a comprehensive benefits program that is responsive to the needs
of its diverse staff. The comprehensive benefits program includes
health and life insurance coverage, pension benefits, flexible
spending accounts, income protection in the event of short- and
long-term disabilities, benefits for employee education, children's
tuition grants, as well as 24 vacation days a year, 9 holidays and 2
personal days.

Nominations and Applications: Review of applications will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Applications will be accepted only from the Jobs at Princeton

and must include a resume, cover letter, and a list of three
references with full contact information. The position requisition
number is: 1300611

Princeton University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action

Maria Grandinette
Head, Library Preservation
Princeton University Library
1 Washington Road
Princeton, New Jersey  08544

Position at Princeton Rare Books Conservator

Position at Princeton

Rare Books Conservator
Princeton University Library

The Princeton University Library is seeking a Rare Books Conservator
to join the Preservation Office.  We welcome applications from
colleagues at all stages in their careers. Potential applicants who
would like to learn more about the position, the Preservation
Office, the Library and Princeton are encouraged to contact Maria
Grandinette .  Recommendations for candidates
are also welcome.

The Princeton University Library is one of the world's leading
research libraries, serving a diverse community of 5,200
undergraduates, 2,600 graduate students, 853 faculty members, and
many visiting scholars. Its holdings include more than 7 million
printed volumes, 5 million manuscripts, 2 million non-print items,
and extensive collections of digital text, data, and images.  The
Library employs a dedicated and knowledgeable staff of more than 300
professional and support staff working in a large central library, 9
specialized branches, and 3 storage facilities.

Major Responsibilities: The Rare Books Conservator is responsible
for the physical care and conservation treatment of rare books and
bound manuscripts held in the special collections throughout the
Princeton University Library.  These materials are characterized by
rarity, uniqueness, and complex technical problems.  They inspire
and support the research and teaching of students, faculty, and

Within this context, the Rare Books Conservator performs all aspects
of book conservation designed to preserve the books' historical,
artifactual, and intrinsic value while insuring their ability to be
used. The Rare Books Conservator should be comfortable assessing,
discussing, recommending, and performing treatment and stabilization
of bound books and manuscripts across a spectrum of traditions.  She
or he should approach each treatment with sensitivity, and be
versatile, calling upon their knowledge of materials and techniques
drawn from deep experience with the craft.

The Rare Books Conservator works in close association with
Preservation Office staff including the Head, Library Preservation
and the Rare Books, Paper, and Collections conservators.  As part of
this team, and in close collaboration with curators throughout the
library, she or he formulates preservation and conservation
priorities and treatment, as well as housing strategies for
Princeton University Library's rare and unique bound materials.

While the emphasis of this position is on single-item treatment, the
Rare Books Conservator contributes to the overall preservation
effort by advising our colleagues throughout the Library on care and
handling of rare materials during use, collection storage and
transport, exhibition, and digital imaging. In addition, she or he
will be called upon to provide training to staff and/or interns.
This position reports directly to the Head of Library Preservation.

Essential Qualifications:  Advanced degree in book conservation
through an accredited graduate or equivalent certificate program,
formal apprenticeship, or equivalent experience.  A minimum of 6
years professional experience in rare books conservation.  Practical
knowledge and understanding of the principles of book conservation,
history of book structure, binding techniques, and materials
science.  Demonstrated ability and commitment to a treatment
approach that marries the needs of the object and the needs of the
curator, researcher, and faculty and, where applicable, the rigors
of exhibition and reproduction.  Demonstrated commitment to
following the American Institute for Conservation's Code of Ethics
and Guidelines for Practice.  Demonstrated ability to perform a
wide-range of book conservation treatments; to communicate and
collaborate effectively with staff in a complex organization; to
work as part of a team with preservation and conservation peers and
colleagues; to work independently and to plan and structure one's
responsibilities accordingly. Experience coordinating conservation
treatment activities among several special collections

Preferred Qualifications:  A minimum of 4 years professional
experience in rare books conservation in an academic and/or research
library. Demonstrated knowledge of Western binding before 1600.
Demonstrated knowledge of Coptic, Islamic, and/or East Asian binding
traditions and treatment techniques.  Experience training
technicians and/or interns.

An applicant who is chosen for an interview must present a portfolio
of rare books conservation treatments, including treatment
documentation, as well as samples of binding work.

Compensation and Benefits:  Princeton offers competitive salaries
and a comprehensive benefits program that is responsive to the needs
of its diverse staff. The comprehensive benefits program includes
health and life insurance coverage, pension benefits, flexible
spending accounts, income protection in the event of short- and
long-term disabilities, benefits for employee education, children's
tuition grants, as well as 24 vacation days a year, 9 holidays and 2
personal days.

Nominations and Applications: Review of applications will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Applications will be accepted only from the Jobs at Princeton

and must include a resume, cover letter, and a list of three
references with full contact information. The position requisition
number is: 1300619.

Princeton University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action

Maria Grandinette
Head, Library Preservation
Princeton University Library
1 Washington Road
Princeton, New Jersey  08544