motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

venerdì, luglio 31, 2015

Friends of the British Library Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity

Friends of the British Library Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity

The Conservation department at the British Library is pleased to announce that they will be offering a Preventive Conservation Voluntary Placement for three months starting in October 2015.
The Conservation department at the British Library is pleased to announce that they will be offering a Preventive Conservation Voluntary Placement for three months starting in October 2015. This opportunity has been funded by the Friends of the British Library to promote key skills and techniques in this area. 

The closing date for applications is Friday 14 August 2015.
Note to overseas applicants: Please be aware that you will be required to obtain a Charity Workers Tier 5 Visa in order to gain entry to the UK. It will be the responsibility of the successful applicant to obtain this visa. Any costs incurred will be covered as part of the stipend. For further information please visit the following websites: Home Office Website Charity Workers and Visa application forms 

lunedì, luglio 27, 2015

The Islamic Manuscript Association Collections in Conflict Zones: Safeguarding Written Heritage 5–7 October 2015

The Islamic Manuscript Association: "Islamic Manuscript Collections in Conflict Zones: Safeguarding Written Heritage
5–7 October 2015, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Places on this course are strictly limited: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the course may fill before registration closes in August; to avoid disappointment, early application is advised. Notification of the outcome of applications will be sent within seven working days of receipt.
Registration is open exclsuively to paid members of The Islamic Manuscript Association until 09.00 BST Monday, 22 June 2015. After this date registration will be open to all."

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giovedì, luglio 16, 2015

(english) Diary of Saad Eskander as the Irak National Library and Archives director | Centre de Protection du Patrimoine

Diary of Saad Eskander as the Irak National Library and Archives director

     This register portrayed not only the everyday life of the institution but also the impact of the Bagdad’s situation on it. But its not only that. It provides a rare and powerful register of how a highly degraded institution can be changed for the best. How cultural heritage must be conceived by authorities and even how can it have a very positive impact in the population.
     Saad Eskander provides here a highly transparent testimony. He speaks openly about lack of interest, corruption, bad habits… and a highly precise inside view from the functional aspects. We’re not used at all to see this kind of ethic attitude in authorities from cultural institutions, not in the so badly called third world countries or even in the peaceful and developed ones. This should be imitated globally.
(english) Diary of Saad Eskander as the Irak National Library and Archives director | Centre de Protection du Patrimoine:

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lunedì, luglio 13, 2015

My Collection Care: Rare books collection shelf mark and barcode problems

Rare books collection shelf mark and barcode problems

labels on rare collections (Books, Manuscripts, documents, photo albums ..etc) are glued on these objects and after some time it cause damage to the original  binding material this damages mostly is irreversible damages most of the time.

On this blog i will try to share my last few years experience thinking and trying to deal with those labels for the rare books collections, some methods was effective and safe, and some are not, as we always considering reversibility of any techniques we use on rare objects.

Rare books labelling in libraries
(A) A 18th century binding damaged with new archival label 
Labelling recommendation for modern and new archival materials (books, magazines ... etc) :
  • For general collections acceptable acid free book labels are available from library suppliers.
  • Alternatively, use a soft pencil if it is absolutely essential to label the inside of a book cover directly.
in fig(A) a 18 century binding is damaged by irreversible transparent tap that has been add to the spine joint with the upper and lower cover for keeping it's shelf mark label stable as possible (from the Liberian point of view).
after many times of use and handling, this transparent taps left causing a damage to the original leather.


martedì, luglio 07, 2015

giovedì, luglio 02, 2015

La task force di restauratori italiani per salvare il patrimonio del NepalCorriere Sociale | Corriere Sociale

La task force di restauratori italiani per salvare il patrimonio del Nepal

di Paolo Conti, Simona Ravizza
ROMA – «L’Italia rappresenta un’eccellenza riconosciuta nel mondo per quanto riguarda gli interventi straordinari nel campo dei beni culturali danneggiati. E questa missione delinea molto bene la ragione che ci spinge a insistere sul piano della diplomazia culturale».
Il ministro per i Beni e le attività culturali, Dario Franceschini, presiede una breve riunione organizzativa nel suo studio al ministero. Oggi, 1 luglio, parte per Katmandu la missione di sei tecnici, storici dell’arte e restauratori che sosterranno le autorità della Repubblica federale del Nepal «nella definizione e nell’adozione delle misure emergenziali per la preservazione e il recupero del patrimonio culturale danneggiato nel sisma del 25 aprile scorso», come si legge nel piano di lavoro del ministero di Franceschini.