Parchment – latest assessment methods - ICOM-CC: "Parchment – latest assessment methods
Monday 16 May - Friday 20 May 2011
(Categories: Ethnographic Collections, Graphic Documents, Leather and Related Materials)
Further education course held by Dr. René Larsen, Dorte Vestergaard Poulsen, Kathleen Muhlen Axelsson from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. The course is especially directed to training conservators-restorers, curators, archivists and librarians in managing and monitoring of collections of parchments as well as the assessment of their damage in environmental ageing conditions. Participants will be taught the macroscopic and microscopic examination (visual assessment) techniques used to assess the 'state of health' of parchment. The use the databases created by the IDAP, PDAP (Parchment Damage Assessment Programme), EWS (Early Warning System) and DUPDA (Digitised User-Friendly Parchment Damage Atlas) will be demonstrated. The participants will be provided with materials and guidelines for the laboratory experiments. The course language will be English. The deadline for application is one mounth before the course starts. The course fee plus accommodation (4 nights) is 640,00 € plus 10% VAT. The number of participants is restricted to 20.
Registration under Parchment books and charts belonging to historic libraries and archives of Horn will provide all sorts of parchments and their condition states for demonstration. Participant also can bring own samples if they wish to. The venue is the Renaissance castle housing the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration. Accommodation during the course is within the building and is included in the price. After application participants will be provided with further information.
Organisation Dr. Patricia Engel European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration Wienerstrasse 2 3580 Horn Austria Tel.: +43(0) 650 58 71 877 Fax: +43(0) 2982 200 30 28 E-Mail
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Questo blog è dedicato al restauro dei libri, dei manoscritti e della carta in generale, ma anche alla loro conservazione prevenzione e patologie. Ovviamente è aperto al contributo di restauratori, bibliotecari e archivisti e comunque di chiunque abbia a cuore la conservazione del libro inteso come manufatto e non solo come veicolo di un testo ...
motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario
Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari
Nuovamente funzionante !
è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso !
scarica il salvaschermo
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