Posted by Abigail Bainbridge on April 22, 2014 · Leave a Comment
By Anahit Campbell
The binding before treatment
Sellotape on books is never a good idea.
After removing pressure-sensitive tape that was placed on the cover of the signal book that I am conserving entitled Instructions for the Conduct of the Ships of War from 1792, I spent a significant amount of time researching and sampling methods to remove the adhesive residue that was left behind by the pressure-sensitive tape. Although the process involved a lot of thought and trial, I did enjoy the process, and in the end I was able to successfully remove the adhesive residue left behind by the pressure-sensitive tape, without damage to the delicate marble paper or leather beneath.
Pressure-sensitive tape removal using directed hot air blower
I began by removing the aged pressure-sensitive tape that adhered the reference number to the spine and cover boards. This was done by directing hot air at the tape while gently and slowly peeling the carrier layer back with a micro-spatula. Even though the carrier is removed, the adhesive layer often is left behind, like in the case of the “Signal Book” on the surface of the object.
[See Sibel Ergener’s blog post for more information regarding tape removal.]"
click to read more... Tape Removal from an 18th Century Binding | Current Projects:
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