motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

lunedì, ottobre 29, 2018

Qatar National Library and UNESCO: Practical Methods for the Scientific Examination of Library Objects


3 – 5 December 2018


Headquarters of the Archives of Morocco, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco
Practical Methods for the Scientific Examination of Library Objects
Within the framework of the agreement signed between Qatar National Library and UNESCO, “Supporting Documentary Heritage Preservation in the Arab Region,” and in cooperation with the Moroccan Archive Foundation, the IFLA/PAC Regional Center for Arab Countries and the Middle East at Qatar National Library is organizing the training course: Practical Methods for the Scientific Examination of Library Objects.
Qatar National Library is pleased to invite all libraries, cultural institutions and museums in the Maghreb countries to nominate paper and book conservators to attend this three-day training course held at the headquarters of the Archives of Morocco. 
The course will be conducted by Dr. Antonino Cosentino, Director of Cultural Heritage Science Open Source.
The training is free, and accommodation and airline tickets will be covered for some participants.
To register or inquire, please contact us by email:
 Read the full programme and invitation in English or Arabic.

venerdì, agosto 03, 2018

Event Review: Christopher Clarkson (1938-2017): A Conservator’s Path -- Tributes and Celebrations

Event Review: Christopher Clarkson (1938-2017): A Conservator’s Path -- Tributes and Celebrations

Christopher Clarkson examining a manuscript. Image Copyright Jane Eagan / Winchester Cathedral
By Jane Eagan, FIIC
On Monday March 5, 2018, the bibliothèque de l’Arsenal in Paris held an event to celebrate Christopher Clarkson’s contribution to book conservation. The Arsenal Library, in the Bastille neighbourhood of Paris, was founded in 1756, and has been a department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) since 1934. Its history and library collections, which have a particular strength in the area of book collecting, are conserved on location by a team of five bookbinders and book conservators.
To honour Clarkson, the conservation team put together a one-day practical workshop and public evening lecture, the first public event at the library to focus on a conservation theme. Marlène Smilauer, Head of Conservation at the Arsenal Library, sought out Nadine Dumain, a private bookbinder and book conservator at the Moulin du Verger, to assist her as co-organiser and to lead the practical workshop during the day.

giovedì, giugno 28, 2018

Exhibitions Conservator
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom
14d ago

This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and proactive individual to work at the heart of one of the world's major research libraries.
Cambridge University Library (CUL) is a legal deposit library containing one of the greatest collections of books and manuscripts in the world.
CUL currently mounts two major exhibitions each year in its Milstein Exhibition Centre and monthly exhibitions in its two Entrance Hall cases.
These are open to the public and admission is free. In 2016, CUL appointed a Head of Exhibitions and Public Programmes to be responsible for the changing displays in the Milstein Exhibition Centre.
Exhibitions enable the CUL to reveal the richness of the books and manuscripts we hold, provide access to the collection for those not engaged in academic work, and highlight the world leading research that goes on within CUL and the University more widely.
This Exhibitions Conservator post seeks to fulfil an increasingly important role in the Conservation and Collection Care Department, handling both the practical conservation and the attendant administration for CUL exhibitions.
Reporting to the Head of Exhibitions and Public Programmes, the role holder will assist with the planning and delivery of CUL's exhibitions in the Milstein Exhibition Centre and maintain and develop CUL as a specialist centre of excellence in the area of innovative displays.
The role holder will project manage the delivery of CUL's exhibitions in the Milstein Exhibition Centre in all aspects relating to the display of objects, these include :
  • Planning and oversight of workflow necessary for the delivery of exhibitions
  • Liaising with the Head of Exhibitions and Public Programmes
  • Liaising with curators and librarians on matters relating to display
  • Assessing material for their suitability for exhibition
  • Carrying out any necessary conservation treatments
  • Designing support structures
  • Working with the Head of Exhibitions and Public Programmes on case planning and layout
  • Working with Conservation and Collection Care colleagues in preparing and installing material for exhibition
  • Working with Building Services on matters relating to display in the Milstein Exhibition Centre
  • Liaising with and provide any necessary support to the Digital Content Unit for exhibition items that require imaging
  • Writing blogs and use of other forms of Social Media, including Twitter
  • Apply

    venerdì, aprile 06, 2018

    Twined End-bands in the Bookbinding Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean - The British Library

    A five-day practical workshop
    Book end-bands (small cords or strips of material affixed near the spine, usually of hardcover bindings) can be beautiful as well as practical, and they can also tell us a great deal about a book’s creation, its provenance, evolution, purpose and relationship with other crafts.
    This five-day course offers a chance to practise and clarify the characteristics of twined or woven end-bands and their technical and decorative variations.
    Twined end-bands represent a distinct category of rather elaborate compound end-bands commonly found in virtually all the bookbinding traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean. Over the course of the week participants will be able to make at least six different twined end-bands – a Coptic, an Islamic, a Syriac, a Byzantine, an Armenian, and a tablet woven end-band – to be taken away at the end of the course.
    An introductory lecture will explain their evolution in time and place, their classification and terminology, their structural and decorative features as well as their relation to fabric-making techniques. Working materials, a hand out with explanatory drawings and some reading material will be also provided.
    The course is led by Georgios Boudalis, Head of Book and Paper Conservation at the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, Greece.
    Day 1Morning session: Introductory lecture on end-bands
    Afternoon session: Hands-on basic technique of twining
    Day 2Morning session: Coptic split-twined end-band
    Afternoon session: Islamic twined end-band
    Day 3Morning session: Syriac twined end-band
    Afternoon session: Byzantine twined end-band
    Day 4Morning and afternoon sessions: Armenian end-band
    Day 5Morning and afternoon sessions: The tablet-woven end-band (15th-16th century Russian and Byzantine bindings)


    Name:Twined End-bands in the Bookbinding Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
    Where:British Library St Pancras 
    When: - 
    Price:Full Price: £400.00
    Enquiries:+44 (0)1937 546546
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    martedì, marzo 13, 2018

    Seminario sul restauro del Salterio di San Romualdo

    Modalità seminario Pickwoad

    L’Associazione Italiana dei Conservatori e Restauratori degli Archivi e delle Biblioteche, AICRAB,
    organizza venerdì 13 aprile presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana di Roma un seminario sulla
    storia della legatura post-medievale tenuto in lingua inglese da Nicholas Pickwoad (Professorial
    Research Fellow presso la University of the Arts di Londra e direttore del Centro di ricerca Ligatus) 
    dal titolo “From the Archive to the Booktrade: the evolution of cheap bindings for an expanding
    market in early modern Europe”.
    La giornata avrà il seguente orario:
    ore 8.45-9.30 registrazione dei partecipanti,
    ore 9.30-12.30 e 14.00-17.00 svolgimento del seminario. 
    Verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione al termine della sessione pomeridiana.
    La partecipazione è gratuita per i soci AICRAB in regola con la quota 2018;
    un contributo di euro 100,00 è richiesto ai partecipanti non iscritti all’Associazione.
    Il rinnovo o la nuova iscrizione all’Associazione possono avvenire mediante PayPal dal sito
      ( o con bonifico sul conto corrente postale
    intestato ad AICRAB, IBAN IT22U0760112100001013073562, specificando la causale Iscrizione oppure 
    Rinnovo iscrizione AICRAB 2018.
    Il versamento del contributo di euro 100,00 per coloro che non intendano iscriversi/rinnovare
    l'iscrizione all’Associazione può avvenire mediante bonifico sul conto corrente postale intestato ad
    AICRAB, IBAN IT22U0760112100001013073562, specificando la causale Partecipazione seminario
    Pickwoad 2018.
    Per motivi organizzativi, è necessaria l’iscrizione al seminario entro il mese di marzo inviando un email
    (oggetto: iscrizione seminario Pickwoad) all’indirizzo, specificando nome e cognome
    del partecipante (fondamentale per consentirci di preparare gli attestati di partecipazione) e allegando la ricevuta dell’avvenuto versamento della quota di iscrizione/rinnovo all’Associazione o la ricevuta dell’avvenuto versamento della quota di partecipazione.
    Nell’intervallo 12.30-14.00, si svolgerà l’assemblea annuale dell’Associazione, riservata ai soci AICRAB in
    regola con l’iscrizione 2018.


    Melania Zanetti, presidente AICRAB

    lunedì, marzo 12, 2018

    Questionario sulla formazione del Restauratore dei beni archivistici e librari

    Sara Giacomel, una laureanda del corso di laurea magistrale in Archivistica e Biblioteconomia, sta scrivendo una tesi sulla formazione dei Restauratori dei Beni archivistici e librari in Italia e, se possibile, in Europa.

    A questo scopo vorrebbe realizzare un sondaggio per cui chiede la vostra gentile collaborazione. Qui di seguito riporto i link a due questionari, uno rivolto ai Restauratori di Beni culturali e l'altro rivolto agli studenti di Restauro che devono ancora conseguire il titolo.

    I questionari sono molto brevi e del tutto anonimi. Un grazie sentito a chiunque vorrà partecipare!

     Questionario per i Restauratori:

    Questionario per gli studenti:"

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    domenica, marzo 11, 2018

    Rinnovo iscrizione e seminario di Pickwoad

    Care amiche e cari amici,

    ricordo a quanti di voi sono interessati alle iniziative dell’Associazione Italiana dei Conservatori e Restauratori degli Archivi e delle Biblioteche che è tempo di rinnovare l’iscrizione ad AICRAB per l’anno 2018.

    Come sapete, in queste settimane stiamo anche raccogliendo le iscrizioni al seminario con Nicholas Pickwoad “From the Archive to the Booktrade: the evolution of cheap bindings for an expanding market in early modern Europe” che si svolgerà a Roma, presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana, il prossimo 13 aprile, ore 9.30-17.00. Per le modalità di adesione e maggiori informazioni sull’organizzazione della giornata vi rimando alla comunicazione in allegato.

    A prescindere da questa iniziativa, mi preme sottolineare che nel medesimo giorno e luogo dalle ore 12.30 alle 14.00 si svolgerà la nostra Assemblea annuale, alla quale sono invitati a partecipare i soci in regola con l’iscrizione 2018.

    A tutte e a tutti i più cordiali saluti

      Melania Zanetti

    Presidente AICRAB

    martedì, febbraio 20, 2018

    Job opening at Duke University Libraries Conservation Lab

    Duke University Libraries seeks qualified applicants for the position of Conservation Technician in the Verne and Tanya Roberts Conservation Lab. This position is an opportunity to work at a major ARL member library invested in the long-term care of and access to its collections. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent hand skills, the capacity to learn new skills, customer focus, and creative problem solving. We seek candidates who will thrive in an open, engaging atmosphere that focuses on production as well as continuous learning and sharing of knowledge among staff at all levels.

    Major responsibilities include treating materials primarily in the circulating collections; creating custom enclosures for both circulating and special collections; overseeing the workflow of materials from circulation points in the Perkins-Bostock Library and the branch libraries; and training and oversight of student assistants. You can see the full position description and position requirements online.

    Duke University Libraries values diversity of thought, perspective, experience, and people, and is actively committed to a culture of inclusion and respect. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.  An electronic resume, cover letter, and list of references should be submitted at:  Refer to requisition # 401385532.

    Duke University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Duke also makes good faith efforts to recruit, hire, and promote qualified women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. For more information on careers at Duke University, visit

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    Conservation Fellowship - Northwestern University Libraries

    Position:           Conservation Fellowship
    Department:      Preservation
    Reports to:        Special Collections Conservator
    Job Opening ID: 33053

    Northwestern University Libraries offer an advanced post-graduate conservation fellowship for a two-year appointment, September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2020.  The conservation fellowship provides practical experience in a busy academic library conservation lab balancing treatment responsibilities with professional research activities.  There will be the opportunity to gain bench experience, develop skills in treatment decision making, and research a topic of interest. 

    Northwestern University, established in 1851, is one of the leading private research universities in the United States with an enrollment of approximately 15,800 students.  Northwestern University Libraries hold over 5 million volumes with collections of international standing in Music, Transportation, and African Studies. The Libraries’ conservation lab is located on the Evanston, Illinois campus just north of Chicago. 

    Description of Duties:  Working under the supervision of the Special Collection Conservator, the Conservation Fellow evaluates and treats special collections materials.  The Conservation Fellow performs a broad range of conservation treatments on rare books, manuscripts, prints, drawings, maps, and other unbound archival and special collections materials.  Treatment includes the preparation of condition and treatment reports with an appropriate level of photo documentation. Anticipated projects for 2018-2020 include treatment of a William Blake book, Stjopka Collages, and a collection of caricatures related to the Siege of Paris (1870-1871). 

    The Conservation Fellow stays current with new developments in the field of library conservation and conducts research related to an area of interest.  Topics may include treatment techniques, materials identification, or historical studies.  Research should be of a quality that could result in a paper, poster, or presentation.

    The Conservation Fellow may assist other professional staff in the department with surveys, preservation education and outreach initiatives, exhibits-related projects, and disaster response initiatives.

    Qualifications:  Master's degree in library science or associated field, with an emphasis on conservation training, or equivalent combination of education and relevant experience.  Knowledge of current conservation principles and practices, material science, and the history of bookbinding and conservation.  Demonstrated ability to perform high-quality conservation treatments on special collections materials, primarily book and paper, and to communicate effectively about treatment options and decisions. 
    Salary: Annual stipend of $48,000 plus benefits.  Northwestern University offers a comprehensive benefits plan, including health care and other benefits.

    To apply: Applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references, to

    Job opening identification number is 33053.  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applicants selected for an interview will be asked to submit a portfolio of recent conservation treatments.

    Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  Employment eligibility verification is required upon hire.

    Digitising books as objects: The invisible made visible - Collection Care blog

     "Digitising books as objects: The invisible made visible
    Book conservator Flavio Marzo explores how the experience for users of online library material surrogates could be easily improved by enhancing invisible physical features of books.

    Working as a book conservator within digitisation projects has been my job for many years. I started in 2006, only one year after joining the British Library Conservation team here in London after leaving my country, Italy."


    Digitising books as objects: The invisible made visible - Collection Care blog:

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    lunedì, febbraio 19, 2018

    Nicholas Hadgraft Scholarship

    -: "In remembrance of Dr Nicholas Hadgraft, a dear friend of Conservation By Design Limited we decided to offer an annual "Nicholas Hadgraft Scholarship". The scholarship is an award of £1,500 towards the cost of attending the Montefiascone Book Conservation Summer School held each year in the Medieval Hill Town of Montefiascone.

    apply here

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    mercoledì, febbraio 14, 2018

    First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) | ICCROM

    First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) | ICCROM: "

    First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC)

    Large-scale natural disasters and protracted conflicts lead to multifaceted humanitarian crises. Protecting cultural heritage under such circumstances is challenging. Yet amidst turmoil and anguish, the affected communities strive to safeguard their cultural heritage, as it provides them with a thread of continuity.

    Aimed at strengthening local capacities for first aid (a set of interconnected emergency response procedures aimed at recovery) for cultural heritage during complex emergencies, the FAC initiative combines immersive international training with regional and national workshops, technical assistance during large-scale emergencies, with inputs from other emergency actors such as the civil defence, military and humanitarian sectors. The goal is to ensure that the affected communities are fully involved in the recovery of their own heritage.

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    martedì, gennaio 09, 2018

    BNCF - Attività di restauro volumi

    BNCF - Attività di restauro volumi:

    "Avviso di selezione tirocini non curriculari
    Attività di restauro volumi

    La Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze intende attivare n.3 tirocini non curriculari, finalizzati ad agevolare le scelte professionali mediante la conoscenza diretta del mondo del lavoro quale esperienza formativa orientativa o professionalizzante, non costituente rapporto di lavoro.
    Il tirocinio ha per oggetto il restauro con smontaggio e senza smontaggio di volumi antichi e moderni. La domanda di ammissione alla selezione (candidatura all’offerta) dovrà essere effettuata tramite il portale del Centro per l’Impiego di Firenze consultando la sezione offerte di lavoro e compilando il modulo on line, previa registrazione, entro 21 giorni dalla data di pubblicazione dell’offerta di tirocinio
                                                                                        La Direzione



    Per registrarsi ed effettuare la domanda di ammissione collegarsi a:

    Nello spazio cittadini, selezionare la voce Cerca tra le offerte di lavoro poi nella maschera successiva Visualizza Offerte di lavoro pubblicate per, scegliere TIPO CONTRATTO e successivamente visualizzare TIROCINIO

    doc. n. 2000 del 08/01/2018

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