motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

domenica, agosto 29, 2010

| BS VIDEOGALLERY - monitoraggio ambientale (biblioteca ostuni)

| BS VIDEOGALLERY - monitoraggio ambientale (biblioteca ostuni):

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Emergency Planning – the Libraries and Archive Conservator - Teresa Januszonok

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Conservazione preventiva folio

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

steamboating « jeff peachey

Posted in book conservation by Jeff Peachey on August 23, 2010

I’d never heard this term before, but Nicholson puts it in quotes, suggesting it is some kind of workman’s slang, or at least an uncommon term. In describing cloth case binding, and how to use a plough, he writes. “If the volumes are small, a number may be cut at the same time. This mode of cutting is called ‘steamboating’”. This was originally written in 1856. Perhaps it is emblematic of the 19th century preoccupation with steam power in general, and how a machine can influence even the terminology of hand work.

steamboating « jeff peachey

'Every now and then you have to think outside the box' | Cultural Compass

'Every now and then you have to think outside the box' | Cultural Compass: "Thursday, August 26, 2010
‘Every now and then you have to think outside the box’

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Dal Pd una mozione per i libri che Federico Caffè donò all'Università -

mmm dei libri bagnati dal 1992 devono essere una bella sfida !

Dal Pd una mozione per i libri che Federico Caffè donò all'Università - "Dal Pd una mozione per i libri che Federico Caffè donò all'Università
Il Pd di Pescara, con i consiglieri Marchegiani e Blasioli, ha presentato una mozione in merito al recupero e restauro dei libri donati dall'economista pescarese Federico Caffè all'Università D'Annunzio
di Redazione - 27/08/2010

I consiglieri del Pd Marchegiani e Blasioli hanno inviato una mozione al Sindaco ed alla Giunta affinchè vengano recuperati e ripristinati i libri donati dall'economista pescarese Federico Caffè all'Università D'Annunzio di Pescara.

'Questa mozione nasce, da un susseguirsi di recenti incontri su questa figura troppo spesso dimenticata da Pescara.' sottolineano i consiglieri, che ricordano i due incontri, il primo tenuto il 5 luglio presso l'Arci Overlook e l'altro in programma sabato ai Gesuiti, riguardanti l'economista.

'La città di Pescara può farsi parte attiva affinchè quei libri di Caffè, arrivati all'Università di Pescara e lasciati in un armadio, e ci viene riferito inzuppati dall'acqua durante l'alluvione del 1992 vengano ripresi, sottoposti ad asciugatura e ripristinati in collaborazione con l'Università di Pescara e messi a disposizione degli studenti, della città e dei cultori della materia.' concludono i consiglieri, che auspicano anche una serie di incontri e seminari riguardanti Caffè.

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lunedì, agosto 23, 2010

Il libro: istruzioni per l'uso

esiste anche in italiano io l'avevo trovato solo in Inglese sottotitolato...

Fifteenth-century bookbinding includes ninth-century bible fragment in front and back covers | Cultural Compass

"Michael Laird, adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin and the proprietor of Michael Laird Rare Books, shares some recent discoveries he made about a Bible in the Ransom Center’s collection.

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venerdì, agosto 20, 2010

Future-Proofing the Preservation Programme in National Library Singapore: a Case Study, CDNLAO Newsletter 68

Future-Proofing the Preservation Programme in National Library Singapore: a Case Study

By Sharmini Chellapandi, Siow Lian San and Asmah Eusope, National Library Board, Singapore

As stipulated in the National Library Board (NLB) Act 2005, the National Library Singapore takes appropriate measures to maintain and preserve library materials deposited with the Board. The preservation programme by the National Library covers both conservation and preservation actions.

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Countermeasures against pest and mold damage based on IPM by the NDL, CDNLAO Newsletter 68

Countermeasures against pest and mold damage based on IPM by the NDL

By National Diet Library, Japan

With a warm and humid climate, like most Asian countries, Japan provides a favorable environment for molds and pests to grow. Since there are so many species and numbers of pests which remain active for a long time in the year, damage to materials can be serious. Many libraries have long been afflicted with damage from pests and molds. Therefore, the NDL has taken measures to contain the damage.

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Leather Conservation Centre

"The Leather Conservation Centre is currently undertaking research
into acid deterioration of leather (commonly known as red rot) in
conjunction with The University of Northampton. This is a Knowledge
Transfer Project partially funded by the UK Government through the
Technology Strategy Board. The aims are to extend the current
understanding on acid-deterioration in leather and to develop a
conservation treatment for leather which has red rot.

To carry out the trials and experiments in order to develop a
product we require historical leather samples with or without
acid-deterioration. It would be much appreciated if you could send
us any discarded leather samples to help us with the project to the
address given below.

We are also looking for leather samples of unusual or exotic species
to extend our training collection. If you have any which you are
happy to donate to us please send us to the same address.

Yvette A. Fletcher BA Hons, MA, ACR
Head of Conservation
The Leather Conservation Centre
University Campus
Boughton Green Road
Northampton NN2 7AN
United Kingdom
+44 1604 719766

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[Consdistlist] Inst. 24:13 Call for papers--Seminar on manuscript conservation

"Call for papers--Seminar on manuscript conservation

Call for papers
13th international seminar on the care and conservation of

This seminar, arranged by the Arnamagnaean Institute of The
Department of Scandinavian Research at the University of Copenhagen
and the Royal Library of Denmark, will take place 13-15 April 2011
at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities and the Royal

Papers are invited on various subjects related to the care and
conservation of manuscripts in the widest sense. If you wish to give
a paper at the seminar please send a preliminary title and a short
abstract to ami [at] hum__ku__dk as soon as possible, and at the latest by
1 September 2010.

At this moment we cannot promise any financial support to our
speakers, but we will apply for funds as usual and hope to be able
to pay travel and hotel costs for those who do not have any other

For further information see

Ragnheidur Mosesdottir
Librarian /CULIS
Co-ordinator of the 13th international seminar on the care and
conservation of manuscripts
Nordisk Forskningsinstitut
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136,
DK-2300 Kobenhavn S.
+45 35328478

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sabato, agosto 14, 2010

Introduction to Chinese Traditional Book Making - Victoria and Albert Museum

Che tristezza questa foto è così vecchia e io il corso l'ho fatto tre anni prima :-(

Introduction to Chinese Traditional Book Making - Victoria and Albert Museum: "Introduction to Chinese Traditional Book Making

Jane RutherstonSenior Book Conservator, Books Conservation
26th - 30th March 2001, St. Aldate's Parish Centre, Oxford

Figure 1. David Helliwell discussing Chinese bindings and enclosures, Bodleian Library.

Recently I had the opportunity to participate in this one week course given by Christopher Clarkson on traditional Chinese binding structures. There were 12 participants from 7 different countries. Our work space was intimate but friendly as the joy of Chinese binding structures is that they require little space as small hand tools are used rather than sophisticated equipment."

read more

venerdì, agosto 13, 2010

IDP Education - Chinese Bookbinding

IDP Education - Bookbinding: "history of Chinese bookbinding"


littlepaperbird: La comunità di legatori su Etsy si allarga e sono rimasto colpito dalla fantasia dei suoi lavori che vende sempre su Etsy qui.
Che dire è la prima volta che invece di trovarmi a pensare (mmm potrei farli anch'io) ho pensato all'idea di comprarglieli...

The Use of Bleaching Techniques on Paper Conservation
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies
September 27-October 1, 2010

Instructors: Renate Mesmer and Julie Biggs

Cost: $1275.00
Includes all course materials, lodging and most meals

AIC scholarships of $300 may be available.

This program is designed for mid-career conservators. Instructor
approval is required for admittance into this course.

Course Description: A variety of different bleaching methods can be
used to treat discolored and stained paper. There are cases where
bleaching may be the only way to achieve an acceptable degree of
legibility or visibility of an artifact, or to restore an artist's
vision of a work on paper without the distraction of disfiguring
stains and discoloration. In this workshop conservators will learn a
variety of historical and contemporary bleaching methods and their
appropriate uses: light bleaching, hydrogen peroxide, calcium
hypochlorite, sodium borohydride, and borane tert-butylamine
complex. These methods will be reviewed in the context of existing
and current conservation theory, ethics, and practices. The course
will focus on practical applications of different bleaching
techniques and other non-bleaching options for stain reduction-both
localized and overall treatments. Participants will perform,
compare, and evaluate the techniques.

To register for the course go to:

Sharon Welton
Program Director
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies
Mount Carroll Illinois
Pulp Repair Techniques for the Paper Conservator
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies

Instructors: Margo McFarland

September 1-4, 2010

Includes all course materials, lodging and most meals

AIC scholarships of $300 may still be available.

Course Description: This hands-on course is designed to teach the
participant practical methods in making and applying paper pulp for
the repair of tears and losses in paper. The course will cover:
creating paper pulp from recycled materials; mixing and matching
pulp to achieve the desired tone, texture, and weight; the use of
paper pulp to repair tears, mask unsightly areas, and repair skinned
or abraded surfaces; and information exchange amongst participants
on techniques and tools they already use.

To register for the course go to:

Sharon Welton
Program Director
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies
Mount Carroll Illinois
Deacidification and washing of Paper
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies
October 4-8, 2010

Instructors: Susan Russick and Hal Erickson

Cost: $1425.00
Includes all course materials, lodging and most meals

AIC scholarships of $300 may still be available.

Course Description: After a day of chemistry fundamentals, lecture
and laboratory sessions will provide mid-career conservators with
both theoretical chemical mechanisms and practical experience
related to washing and de-acidifying paper artifacts. The course
will focus on the topics of pH, water purity, a comparison of
neutralizing and de-acidifying chemicals (with emphasis on calcium
hydroxide, magnesium, bicarbonate, and ammonium hydroxide); issues
associated with washing iron gall inks; anticipated results of
aqueous de-acidification methods, and discussion of non-aqueous and
mass de-acidification methods. Participants will get hands-on
experience washing and de-acidifying sample materials using a
variety of methods.

To register for the course go to:

Sharon Welton
Program Director
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies
Mount Carroll Illinois

giovedì, agosto 05, 2010