motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario


Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari

Nuovamente funzionante ! è disponibile on line dal sito di patologia il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari, può essere un sistema economico per l'educazione di personale e utenti, fatene buon uso ! scarica il salvaschermo

giovedì, aprile 26, 2012


lunedì, aprile 23, 2012

Orientamenti Metodologici di Conservazione e Restauro dei Sigilli - Istituto Europeo del Restauro Ischia Restauro e Conservazione dei Beni Culturali Formazione ricerca e specializzazione professionale

Orientamenti Metodologici di Conservazione e Restauro dei Sigilli - Istituto Europeo del Restauro Ischia Restauro e Conservazione dei Beni Culturali Formazione ricerca e specializzazione professionale:

Orientamenti Metodologici di Conservazione e Restauro dei Sigilli

Le finalità del corso si propongono di illustrare il manufatto sigillo nella sua poliformità tecnologico-materiale. Composizione, sistemi di costruzione, modalità di appensione e molto altro. Tali nozioni sono destinate a comprendere meglio la natura dell’oggetto e forniscono la base per orientare e gestire la politica della sua tutela e approccio al restauro, parte integrante delle lezioni. La conservazione dei sigilli, patrimonio di straordinaria importanza nell’ambito archivistico, bibliotecario e museale richiede competenze mirate e formazione professionale altamente qualificata.
Insegnamento: Teorico – Pratico
Durata: 3 giorni (16 ore)
Dal 17/05/2012 al 19/05/2012
Costo €400,00
Docente: Prof. Luca Becchetti Conservatore dei Sigilli dell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano e il Responsabile del Laboratorio di Restauro, Riproduzione e Conservazione dei Sigilli, nonché docente di Sigillografia alla Scuola di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica, annessi allo stesso istituto. Svolge attività di ricerca storico-tecnologica sui sigilli e funzioni formative e di restauro sulle problematiche del degrado e della conservazione del patrimonio sfragistico di archivi, musei e biblioteche.
Prof. Luca Becchetti
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sabato, aprile 21, 2012

North Bennet Street School: Education » Continuing Education » Workshop calendar and listings » April 2012

se invece vivete a new York...

North Bennet Street School: Education » Continuing Education » Workshop calendar and listings » April 2012: "APRIL 26, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Scaleboard lecture
Thursday, April 26
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Instructor: Julia Miller
Free event
Drawing from her study of 350 scaleboard bindings in library collections, Julia Miller explores the variety of structural elements and material combinations used on American imprints bound in scaleboard.
Scaleboard, also known as scabbard, is thin wood that was used for bindings in Europe and Britain until around 1600 (and much less so thereafter). The material was incorporated into American bindings as early as the 1680s (and probably earlier) and was used through the 1840s. Scaleboard was used in place of paste or pulpboard long after those materials were widely available in America and Boston is considered the center of early scaleboard/scabbard use based on the number of Boston imprints that survive in scaleboard bindings. Through her research and presentations, Julia aims to increase awareness of these bindings and increase the identification and description of these bindings in research collection cataloguing."

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Lectures at Master Drawings London 2011 : Master Drawings in London 2012 - 27th June - 5th July 2012.

Accidenti 5 pound per andare a sentire Peter Bower, da non perdere, se si vive a Londra però :-(

Lectures at Master Drawings London 2011 : Master Drawings in London 2012 - 27th June - 5th July 2012.: "
28 June 2012
9.45 am Doors Open
10.15 am Society of Antiquaries, Peter Bower, "First of all respect your paper" : 500 years of artists and their papers
10.45 am Coffee and biscuits

This lecture will be held at the:
Society of Antiquaries of London
Burlington House
London Wl J OBE

To book your ticket in advance please book here (tickets are £5 payable in cash on the door or £2.50 for concessions).


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Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity

Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity: "Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity
The Collection Care department at the British Library is pleased to announce that they will be offering a Preventive Conservation Voluntary Placement for three months starting in September 2012."

This opportunity has been created to further the aim of the British Library in the field of Preventive Conservation via the dissemination of key skills and techniques in this area.  The successful individual will be given a unique learning opportunity in a working national library with a view to applying the skills and knowledge obtained in their own field of work. The volunteer will have the chance to learn and understand one of the core purposes of the British Library by working alongside Library employees and to gain knowledge, identify and manage risks to collections; identify best practice for handling material, disaster preparedness, integrated pest management, and creating and storing surrogate copies. 
The volunteer will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses with a stipend of £5,000. Reasonable expenses will include reimbursement for flights, obtaining a visa, accommodation, and subsistence whilst in London.
Before registering your interest, please read the criteria form. Only those who meet all the criteria will be considered.
Once you have read the criteria and wish to apply, please send the following by the closing date so that we can consider your application:

1.) A current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2.) A written statement (maximum of 1000 words) to include the following:
- Your specific interest in a the voluntary work opportunity in Preventive Conservation at the British Library
- What you feel you would gain from the opportunity
- How you feel this opportunity will benefit you and your employer in the future and the British Library
- How you feel your skills knowledge and experience meets the criteria for the opportunity, giving examples to support your answers
3.) Contact details of one professional reference from your current employer
4.) A letter of support from your current employer, agreeing to release you from your employment to carry out the placement should you be successful

You can either send the above information by email or by post at the following address:
Catherine Atkinson
Training and Development Manager, Scholarship & Collections
The British Library
96 Euston Road
United Kingdom.

The closing date for applications is Friday 25 May 2012.
Note to overseas applicants: Please be aware that you will be required to obtain a Charity Workers Tier 5 Visa in order to gain entry to the UK. It will be the responsibility of the successful applicant to obtain this visa. Any costs incurred will be covered as part of the stipend. For further information please visit the following websites:
Funded by the Friends of the British Library

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ERS: Emergency Response and Salvage for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store

ERS: Emergency Response and Salvage for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store:

 Per chi ha l'i-phone o l'i-pad ecco l'app che sostituisce la salvage wheel, non è niente di più purtroppo, avevo sperato in un miglioramento, però fa comunque comodo...
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lunedì, aprile 16, 2012

The Limp Vellum Binding

The Limp Vellum Binding: Limp Vellum

An Exhibit


13th-16th Century

17th-18th Century

19th-21th Century


Created by Doug Rice in the winter of 2008.

All images, except where noted, from the British Library Catalog

'Notes on the Limp Vellum Binding'
Andrew Honey on Chris Clarkson (pdf)
British Library Bindings

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Water in Paper workshop

Water in Paper, Conservation Principles workshop

7-8 June 2012, at London Metropolitan Archives
Lecturers: Doris Müller-Hess, Hildegard Homburger
Paper mainly contains cellulose, which has the ability to absorb and desorb water. The interaction between cellulose and water influences the behaviour of the paper.  During paper production the choice of fibre material, the degree of beating and the method of drying defines the characteristics of the paper and its ability to absorb and desorb water.  During conservation treatment water is introduced into paper and removed again. In this process chemical and physical changes in the micro and macro structures of the paper are taking place.
With the aid of the didactical material compiled by Irene Brückle and Gerhard Banik in their project ”Water and Paper”, the principles of the interaction of cellulose and water and the resulting behaviour of paper in contact with water will be explained.  Various treatment methods of humidification and washing and drying techniques - their advantages and disadvantages - will be demonstrated and discussed. The gained understanding of the principles will help to evaluate the chosen methods.
Participants: max. 16
Language: English
Course fee:  £400
To register for this workshop, please contact:
Caroline De Stefani
Studio Manager
Culture, Heritage & Libraries Department
City of London
London Metropolitan Archives
40 Northampton Road
London  EC1R 0HB
Tel. 020 7332 3863

mercoledì, aprile 11, 2012

14-20 aprile 2012 - Carte e Pergamene: eventi sul restauro di antichi documenti e opere d'arte in Liguria

14-20 aprile 2012 - Carte e Pergamene: eventi sul restauro di antichi documenti e opere d'arte in Liguria

L’Unione Artistico e Tradizionale della CNA di Genova, grazie al contributo della Camera di Commercio e Artigianato, all’impegno del Presidente Fabio Ceccarelli e alla direzione scientifica di Ugo Buonasorte, Coordinatore del Settore Restauro, ha organizzato anche quest’anno un ricco programma di eventi da sabato 14 a venerdì 20 aprile prossimo.
Carte e Pergamene
Documenti d'Archivio - Manufatti cartacei Membranacei - Memorie Fotografiche
Genova 14 - 20 Aprile 2012

Il tema centrale è quello della carta e del restauro di antichi documenti e opere d’arte di cui il territorio ligure è ricchissimo.

Come potete vedere dal programma allegato, le occasioni di aggiornamento ed arricchimento culturale sono diverse, alcune più specialistiche altre più divulgative, pur mantenendo un approccio altamente scientifico.

Vi preghiamo, qualora siate interessati, a prenotare i diversi eventi, in particolare quello del 17 aprile, dedicato alla visita al Museo Carta Mele e alla Fondazione Ansaldo, che prevede un numero chiuso di partecipanti.

giovedì, aprile 05, 2012

1091 Project: Making Enclosures | Preservation Underground

1091 Project: Making Enclosures | Preservation Underground: "1091 Project: Making Enclosures
by BETH DOYLE on MARCH 16, 2012 · 2 COMMENTS"

This month the 1091 project is all about enclosures. Boxes. Wrappers. Tuxedos. Clams. You name it, we make it. In fact, last fiscal year we fitted or made over 8,500 enclosures. We love boxes so much we created Boxing Day, which has grown to two days a month.
I’ve written before about why we create enclosures for our materials. In short it is to protect books from abrasion, dust and light exposure. We also make boxes for artifacts from the collections so that they can safely be put onto a shelf. Most recently these have included a gravestonedeath mask, and a teeny tiny Thai Village.
We choose the style of enclosure based on the condition, size, and weight of the object as well as how and how often it is used. Below are the common enclosures we make, listed from the minimum to maximum amount of protection they provide.

CoLibri Book JacketCoLibri Book Jacket
We primarily use these polyethylene book jackets for our New & Noteworthy, Duke Authors and Lilly Current Literature books.  CoLibri covers make it possible to save publisher’s dust jackets, which often contain unique information such as author biographies and cover art . These take about 3-5 minutes to make.

EnvelopesEnvelope (buffered paper or Tyvek)
Envelopes provide a minimum of protection for fragile items such as pamphlets. They are inexpensive, easy and quick. For very thin items we will add a stiffener made of a piece of blue-corrugated board or blue-white board.
If the item is very brittle, we will add a folded piece of card stock (folded at the bottom edge) to act as a sling to help get the item out safely. An envelope only takes a couple of minutes to fit and label.

Four Flap BoxesFour flap (aka Tuxedo or Tux box)
These are made of 10 or 20 point buffered card stock and are best for small, lightweight items that are between 1/4″ and 1″ thick. They provide protection from light and abrasion and are good for brittle materials or for books with loose boards.
These take on average 10 minutes to make and these (as are the following boxes) are custom cut and folded to fit the book’s exact dimensions.

Mylar Spine BoxesMylar Spine Four Flap (aka “peekaboo box”)
Not knowing if an item is inside is a common complaint about boxing books. A good solution is this one, a variation on the traditional four flap but with a polyester spine. While they do tend to have a bit of a gap at the head and tail, they do allow you to seethe contents. These boxes obviously do not provide protection from light  so they are best for locations that are kept dark except when in use. These take about 10-15 minutes to make.

Phase Box
Phase boxes, also called “button and string boxes” are perfect for items that need to be restrained to keep them flat. We put vellum-bound materials in these sorts of boxes to keep them from warping. These average 15 minutes to make.

Drop Spine BoxesDrop Spine Box (aka Clam Shell)
We make these from buffered corrugated board (also called blue clams or “pizza boxes”; bottom of photo) or we make them from binders board and cover them in book cloth (also called “cloth clam”; top of photo).
These provide the most protection for the books inside. They are good for larger, heavier items and for special bindings (e.g. metal clasps, embroidered bindings, etc.). The corrugated boxes take about 15 minutes to make. Depending on their size or complexity the cloth clams can take 90 minutes or more.
Notice the “Return to Conservation after use” sticker on the blue clam. We started putting these on items that we get from Technical Services prior to shelving. This has been a very successful workflow and allows us to provide a box for newly acquired, fragile items while deferring their treatment until they are used. So far we have gotten several back. It’s nice to see patrons using new books in the collection.

American Newspaper Repository bound volumesPre-made Boxes
We also use a lot of pre-made boxes especially for standard sized manuscript collections or brittle, bound newspapers. Sometimes we need to customize a standard box because the item inside may be a little too small to fit exactly and we don’t want it “swimming” around in the box. In this image, a standard box is given a custom-cut blue-corrugated board insert to keep the brittle newspaper from moving around in the box as it is transported. The papyri rehousing project is a good example of a hybrid project that combines commercially available boxes with custom inserts.

Creating enclosures is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Very often you find yourself having to bring all your skills and experience to a project in order to create something to fit the project’s unique needs.
You can see more interesting boxing projects on our Flickr page. Let’s go over to Parks Library Preservation to see what kind of enclosures they create for their collections.

martedì, aprile 03, 2012

Seminario internazionale 16 - 18 aprile 2012

Seminario internazionale 16 - 18 aprile 2012

Histoire de la reliure, histoire des collections

scadenza domande di partecipazione entro il 5 aprile 2012
Iscrizioni: le domande di partecipazione al seminario vanno inviate all'indirizzo mail: , corredate di Curriculum Vitae,
entro il 5 aprile 2012. Il numero massimo dei partecipanti esterni è 30. 
scarica programma