Questo blog è dedicato al restauro dei libri, dei manoscritti e della carta in generale, ma anche alla loro conservazione prevenzione e patologie. Ovviamente è aperto al contributo di restauratori, bibliotecari e archivisti e comunque di chiunque abbia a cuore la conservazione del libro inteso come manufatto e non solo come veicolo di un testo ...
motore di ricerca in inglese sul restauro librario
Scarica il salvaschermo sulla manipolazione dei materiali librari
lunedì, dicembre 15, 2014
una volta tanto posto qualche notizia a cui parteciperò in prima persona. Sto partendo per la Corea, dove si terrà il primo seminario sulla carta Hanji coreana. È una grande occasione e sono molto grato a chi mi ha consentito di partire per questo breve ma intenso viaggio. In particolare, oltre alla mia famiglia, vorrei ringraziare Nella Poggi, il consolato generale di Corea e la KCDF foundation.
Ovviamente è mia intenzione aggiornarvi sulla'argomento e vi farò sapere come è andata, non ultimo perchè il seminario prevede un tour delle cartiere artigianali Coreane.
Un saluto e a presto.
giovedì, dicembre 11, 2014
Incontro Bastioni con Antonio Mirabile
mercoledì, dicembre 10, 2014
The Fix – Outfitting a Satellite Conservation Lab


lunedì, dicembre 08, 2014
Scientists reveal parchment's hidden stories (w/ Video)
"Scientists reveal parchment's hidden stories (w/ Video)
12 hours ago
This is an imaged parchment document from Yarburgh Muniments Lancashire Deeds YM. D. Lancs Jan. 13-14, 1576/7. Credit: The Borthwick Institute for Archives.
Millions of documents stored in archives could provide scientists with the key to tracing agricultural development across the centuries, according to new research completed at Trinity College Dublin and the University of York.
Amazingly, thanks to increasingly progressive genetic sequencing techniques, the all-important historical tales these documents tell are no longer confined to their texts; now, vital information also comes from the DNA of the parchment on which they are written.
Researchers used these state-of-the-art scientific techniques to extract ancient DNA and protein from tiny samples of parchment from documents from the late 17th and late 18th centuries. The resulting information enabled them to establish the type of animals from which the parchment was made, which, when compared to genomes of their modern equivalents, provides key information as to how agricultural expansion shaped the genetic diversity of these animals." Scientists reveal parchment's hidden stories (w/ Video):
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lunedì, dicembre 01, 2014
Don't Rock the Cradle-Folger Shakespeare Library
Books in Exhibitions – Mounts, Materials and Economy
April 1–3, 2015
The Folger Shakespeare Library‘s Werner Gundersheimer Conservation Department is organizing this three-day symposium on books in exhibitions focusing on book cradles and book supports.
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martedì, novembre 25, 2014
‘The Salmon Book’: Conservation in Reverse - Collection Care blog
The conservation team was recently commissioned by the British Library’s Artist in Residence, Rob Sherman, to create a retrospective binding to his specifications. This would form an integral part of his project whilst at the Library and would be exhibited in the ‘Lines in the Ice: Seeking the Northwest Passage’ exhibition. The book would begin life with blank pages which Rob would fill as part of his work, but the binding itself would already have a fictional material history, written by the artist but to be created by Conservation."
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mercoledì, novembre 19, 2014
The Colourful Page
giovedì, novembre 06, 2014
Il Giornale dell'Arte - Restauratori: Finalmente Gli Elenchi, Entro Il 2015
Il Giornale dell'Arte - Restauratori: Finalmente Gli Elenchi, Entro Il 2015: "Restauratori: finalmente gli elenchi, entro il 2015
Caos restauratori verso la soluzione. Dopo 10 anni di rinvii, ritardi, veti, ripensamenti, contestazioni, il 6 agosto 2014 la Corte dei Conti ha registrato il decreto sulle Linee guida applicative dell’art. 182 del Codice dei Beni culturali e del Paesaggio che istituisce i due elenchi professionali per i restauratori e i collaboratori restauratori. Dei due bandi, per primo il Mibact ha pubblicato il 12 settembre il bando per il conseguimento della qualifica di collaboratore, come previsto dalla legge n. 7 del 14 gennaio 2014, e ha quindi avviato la procedura dei relativi esami. Il Ministero prevede che questo primo elenco sarà pronto entro marzo 2015. Solo allora sarà pubblicato anche il secondo bando, quello per i restauratori di primo livello, destinati all’elenco principale. In questo modo sarà possibile ai collaboratori ormai iscritti di partecipare subito anche al secondo bando e tentare di far parte dell’elenco d’élite del restauro italiano. "
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giovedì, ottobre 30, 2014
Bookbinder Bernard Middleton celebrates 90th birthday - Collection Care blog
Born on 29 October 1924, legendary bookbinder Bernard Middleton celebrates his 90th birthday this week. Bernard spent much of his life working with British Library collection items at the Library’s bindery, then known as the British Museum Bindery, following his apprenticeship there.
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martedì, ottobre 07, 2014
Associazione Bastioni Incontro con Antonio Mirabile
Verso la fine degli anni ‘80 si manifesta una specificità, reale o artefatta, legata alle problematiche di con
SAVE THE DATE 20 novembre 2014 dalle ore 15.00
presso la sede dell’Associazione Bastioni via San Niccolò 91/93r
Incontro con Antonio Mirabile
Verso la fine degli anni ‘80 si manifesta una specificità, reale o artefatta, legata alle problematiche di conservazione e restauro dell’arte contemporanea, in particolare è evidenziata l’inadeguatezza della seppur giovane professione del restauratore con i codici deontologici esistenti.
Se oggi, più di ieri, una grande quantità di ricerche, seminari e pubblicazioni sono dedicate esclusivamente alla conservazione dell’arte contemporanea, se le specialità della conservazione rappresentano quasi tutti i campi della creazione artistica, questa rappresentatività può dimostrarsi limitata quando svariati materiali e materie coabitano nella stessa opera d’arte, quando l’opera d’arte diventa un ibrido che traduce un disordine pieno di promesse.
Questi limiti toccano anche il disegno contemporaneo che è stato, durante tutto il XX secolo, oggetto di numerosi riassetti grazie all’aiuto di una catena d’invenzioni che contravvengono a un uso tradizionale dei mezzi grafici e che sembrano aver spinto tutti i canoni estetici tradizionali al suo parossismo grazie all’impiego d’inesauribili modelli, materiali, tecniche e supporti.
Partendo da questa constatazione è possibile fissare in schemi teorici e metodologici la conservazione e il restauro di questa realtà dinamica, articolata e continuamente in progress? Quando si parla di arte contemporanea, si parla spesso di artisti viventi, è possibile coinvolgerli ai progetti di restauro? Quali i limiti di questa collaborazione? Il vasto campo di ricerca del restauro del contemporaneo ci spinge sistematicamente a inventare nuovi materiali e a rimettere in discussione la deontologia della professione del restauratore?
Aprendo un campo molto vasto queste domande troveranno delle risposte totali, particolari ma anche, a volte, effimere durante queste poche ore dedicate al disegno contemporaneo.
Al termine dell’incontro l’associazione Bastioni offrirà un piccolo aperitivo
Per informazioni e per la conferma della vostra partecipazione scrivete
Oppure 055 2023866"
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venerdì, settembre 19, 2014
Lazio – II Conferenza Nazionale sui Beni Culturali | Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi
Si terrà a Roma, il 17 e 18 ottobre prossimi presso la “Casa dei Cavalieri di Rodi” in p.zza Del Grillo 1, la II Conferenza Nazionale sui Beni culturali dal titolo “La biologia per la valorizzazione dei beni culturali: competenze e opportunità”.
L’evento è stato organizzato dalla commissione permanente di studio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi “Tutela dei beni culturali”."
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giovedì, settembre 18, 2014
Conservator of Manuscripts and Printed Books at University of Cambridge
Conservator of Manuscripts and Printed Books
University of Cambridge - Fitzwilliam Museum
Location: Cambridge
Salary: £34,233 to £45,954
Hours: Full Time
Contract: Permanent
Placed on: 16th September 2014
Closes: 20th October 2014
Job Ref: DA04313
★ View Employer Profile
The Fitzwilliam Museum houses the principal collections of art and antiquities of the University of Cambridge, and holds over half a million objects in its care. The Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books (MSSPB) preserves the finest museum collection of illuminated manuscripts in the world outside the Vatican Museum, one of the most important collections of manuscript and printed music in this country, fine printed books, literary autographs and correspondence. It is also responsible for the Museum's archives. The collections total upwards of 132,500 objects: 1,000 illuminated manuscripts and leaves; 1,500 music volumes; 20,000 rare printed books, over 80,000 literary autographs and correspondence. There are over 30,000 items in the Museum's archives. The Conservator of Manuscripts and Printed Books participates in the Museum wide Collections Care Programme. This post is part of the Conservation Division, led by the Assistant Director, Conservation.
There is a special link with Trinity College library and the college provides funding for the Museum to undertake work for Trinity Library.
The successful candidate would undertake the technical examination, analysis, research, interventive and preventive conservation of works on parchment and paper, for the Department of MSSPB, including medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts, fine printed books dating from 15th to the 21st century, manuscript and printed music, literary autographs and archival material.
Management of the conservation studio will be part of this role as will be preparation of and contribution to applications for funding and other projects. The ability to deal with people at all levels in a professional manner is critical as is a mutually flexible, supportive and collaborative team working style
Candidates should have a relevant qualification in paper and parchment conservation as well as a demonstrable track record of work experience with similar collections.
The ability to manage work flow to deadlines, initiate and manage conservation programmes and a sound grasp of conservation ethics are essential.
Accredited status in the profession through ICON is preferred.
Planned interview date: 29 October 2014
Offers of employment will be conditional upon the satisfactory outcome of a Security check. Whether an outcome is satisfactory will be determined by the University.
To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please visit: This will take you to the role on the University’s Job Opportunities pages. There you will need to click on the 'Apply online' button and register an account with the University's Web Recruitment System (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Any queries should be directed to or Tel: 01223 764840.
Please quote reference DA04313 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK."
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mercoledì, settembre 17, 2014
In questa pagina sarà sempre possibile trovare le informazioni aggiornate
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lunedì, settembre 08, 2014
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis | ICCROM
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis | ICCROM: "First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis
Culture cannot wait!
Dates: 30 March-24 April 2015; four-week course
Application deadline: 22 September 2014
Place: Amsterdam with study visits to other cities in the Netherlands"
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venerdì, settembre 05, 2014
Eventi - Le materie dei libri, le legature storiche della Biblioteca Teresiana di Mantova
Dal 05.09.2014 16:38 fino al 11.01.2015
"Le materie dei libri, le legature storiche della Biblioteca Teresiana di Mantova" curata da due esperti, il professor Carlo Federici e Federico Macchi e alla presenza del direttore della Biblioteca Vaticana monsignor Cesare Pasini, come invitato d'onore.
600 sono i volumi storici che presentano legature di particolare pregio, selezionati tra i 50mila posseduti dalla Biblioteca Teresiana di Mantova: in mostra saranno esposte le 80 più belle: presenti due importanti incunaboli del '400 dal monastero del Polirone a San Benedetto Po, poi libri con impresso nel cuoio della legatura lo stemma dei Gonzaga e dei Pico della Mirandola; un altro dalla splendida copertina in pelle dipinta a più colori, fatto legare per il famoso bibliofilo parigino Jean Grolier de Servières, visconte d'Aguisy (1489-1565).
Non dobbiamo dimenticare che i libri venivano comprati a fogli sciolti e solo dopo l'acquisto si commissionava la legatura (rilegatura si dice per libri già legati): in mostra ci sono libri stampati a Venezia e legati a Parigi. «In occasione della mostra - spiega Federici - ne sono stati restaurati 17 che erano particolarmente rovinati. Anzi sarebbe bello che i cittadini adottassero un libro per farlo restaurare».
Al lavoro hanno partecipato le restauratrici Anna Bianchi, Laura Chignoli, Sara Mazzarino e Melania Zanetti, di cui ci sono contributi scritti nel catalogo. Inoltre tra il personale della Biblioteca va segnato il lavoro di Raffaella Perini e Pasquale Di Viesti insieme ai curatori.
Clicca qui per l'invito all'inaugurazione
La mostra sarà aperta al pubblico dal 5 settembre 2014 all'11 gennaio 2015 con i seguenti giorni e orari: martedì, giovedì e venerdì (10-13, 15-18), mercoledì e sabato (10-13).
I gruppi potranno prenotare visite anche in altri giorni, entro l'orario di apertura della Biblioteca, rivolgendosi a:
Chiara Tosi (e-mail; tel. 0376-352724 – solo nelle mattinate di lunedì e martedì).
Biblioteca Teresiana
Via Roberto Ardigò, 13
46100 Mantova
Tel: 0376 338450
Fax: 0376 2738080
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Carte lucide e Carte trasparenti nella pratica artistica tra Otto e Novecento: uso conservazione e restauro
Carte lucide e Carte trasparenti nella pratica artistica tra Otto e Novecento: uso conservazione e restauro
Tortona, 3-4 Ottobre 2014
Convegno organizzato
dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona
e dai
Musei di Pellizza- Associazione Pellizza da Volpedo onlus, Volpedo
in collaborazione
con l’Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze
clicca per leggere oltre
Carte lucide e Carte trasparenti nella pratica artistica tra Otto e Novecento: uso conservazione e restauro
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giovedì, settembre 04, 2014
La conservazione del rotolo etiope di Claudia Benvestito | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
La presentazione al pubblico del rotolo etiope, Cod. Marc. Or. 276 (12059), ha dato l’abbrivio a una feconda riflessione sul sistema di conservazione dei rotoli di piccole dimensioni. La necessità di esporre per alcune ore il rotolo in modo sicuro è stata in quel momento fronteggiata realizzando una protezione in poliestere trasparente, ma tale soluzione, pur valida per il momento espositivo, non appariva proponibile per una conservazione di lunga durata.
clicca per leggere oltre La conservazione del rotolo etiope di Claudia Benvestito | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana:
domenica, agosto 10, 2014
Affidamento incarico professionale di Tutor restauratore per la S.A.F. In allegato il bando.
Affidamento incarico professionale di Tutor restauratore per la S.A.F. In allegato il bando.
venerdì, agosto 08, 2014
Paper Painting: Using Acrylics to Repair Leather Bindings
Paper Painting: Using Acrylics to Repair Leather Bindings
mercoledì, agosto 06, 2014
Visual glossary | AICCM
Visual glossary | AICCM: "
Visual glossary
This is one of our best resources! Explore it today
Learn how to identify damage and deterioration by comparing it to our glossary image and description.
Download the images! They can be used to identify deterioration in your own collection and are invaluable in describing an object's condition. It will help you talk to a conservator about what treatment your object needs.
This resource has been compiled by conservators all over Australia under the guiding hand of Alice Cannon. The definitions used in this glossary are informed by those used in reCollections.
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lunedì, agosto 04, 2014
Conservation Science Tutorials
With the support of the Getty Foundation, FAIC has created a series of self-paced modules that review key science principles in conservation. The modules are designed to
help mid-career conservators refresh their knowledge
prepare participants for workshops on specific topics
assist students about to enter a graduate conservation program
Modules in the series:
Analytical Techniques
Arrhenius Equation
Redox Reactions
Refraction and Reflection
Relative Humidity
Safety in the Laboratory
Soaps, Surfactants, and Detergents
Teas Chart
Weights and Measures
The tutorials were researched and written by Sheila Fairbrass Siegler
Instructional Design by Cyrelle Gerson of Webucate Us
Project Management by Eric Pourchot
Special thanks to members of the Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation (ANAGPIC) and the AIC Board of Directors for reviewing these materials.
This project was conceived at a Directors Retreat organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and was developed with grant funding from the Getty Foundation."
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Position at Cooper-Hewitt--Conservation DistList
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
The Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum seeks a Paper
Conservator to work on the preparation of objects for mass
digitization for a fixed term contract.
The contract conservator will be responsible for carrying out
condition assessment of objects in the Drawings, Prints and Graphic
design and wallcoverings collections for digitization, determining
suitability for mass digitization methods and care and handling
needs of the objects during digitization, barcoding the collections
during assessment and rehousing of objects when necessary. The
conservator will work to develop appropriate rehousing methods for
barcoding purposes, will manage personal workflow to meet
established deadlines and work with conservation technicians to
streamline the project workflow. The work will be performed with
regular consultation with the CH Paper Conservator and Project
Registrar. The position will require both the ability to work
within a team and independently.
Applicants should have a Master's degree in conservation with a
specialization in works of art on paper from a recognized
conservation training program. Demonstrated ability to meet
deadlines without compromising high standards is essential.
Excellent oral and written communication skills are required.
This fixed term contract is for approximately 2-3 months full-time
with the possibility of extension. After this preparation phase,
additional work may be available during the mass digitization phase.
Work will be performed at the newly refurbished, state of the art
Cooper Hewitt offsite facility in New Jersey with free shuttle
service from and to Manhattan. Towards the end of the project, work
may also be conducted at the Cooper Hewitt museum site in New York.
For consideration, please submit via electronic mail a letter of
interest, resume, and full contact information for three
professional references to Perry Choe si< . >edu>. Only those
candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
The Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum is an Equal Opportunity
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venerdì, agosto 01, 2014
belting - Learn about bookbinding and other book related topics
belting - Learn about bookbinding and other book related topics: "
There are many ways to build a box, one can cut the elements of the trays and assemble them prior to covering.
This method involves gluing the edges of the sides of the tray (we will call these the walls of the tray), taping these wall boards to the support board to keep them together while drying, letting dry a couple of hours, removing the tape and sometime sanding smooth.
After this, you can cover the trays with cloth, leather, paper or combinations of the above. If you have used this method, you know the pitfalls, like collapsing walls, slippery assemblies, bumpy lumps left by drying glue &c. &c.
When I use cloth, I prefer the "belting" method where the trays are assembled as the cloth is applied, thus eliminating several steps in a fail proof method, that is, if your boards are cut straight and square...
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giovedì, luglio 31, 2014
ancora sul paper extract
Ho trovato questo articolo sul paper extract, mi sembra che, leggendo le conclusioni, ne esca abbastanza stroncato, mi spiace più che altro che il paper conservator abbia pubblicato un articolo senza verificare accuratamente che il prodotto non fosse dannoso per la carta. Aggiungo che così ho invece trovato una bella fonte di articoli
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Conservation Conversations // Su-Su – come portare a tono con lo "sporco" ?
July 29, 2014 by Lauren Schott
Everyone who washes paper is familiar with the dramatic color transformation that takes place on the page after it is removed from its final bath. The evidence is left in the washing tanks; the water turns an unsavory yellowed color, and the paper is, to a degree, returned to its former glory.
" read more: Conservation Conversations // Su-Su – Flash of the Hand:
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mercoledì, luglio 30, 2014
MEI Internship Project Begins: a 16th century German binding mystery solved! | Echoes from the Vault
29/07/2014 · by St Andrews Special Collections · in Rare Book Collection. ·
Opening a new mystery: St Andrews’ copy of vol. 1 of the 1489 printing of Alexander of Hales’s Summa universae theologiae
This summer, St Andrews began contributing information about its earliest printed books to CERL’s Material Evidence in Incunabula project. This project, initiated and directed by Dr Cristina Dondi, seeks to pull together all of the material evidence left by owners, booksellers, binders, and others appearing on all books printed prior to 1500. As an intern, I have begun the thrilling (and monumental) task of pulling together every mark found on St Andrews’ 150+ XVth century printed books.
The kind of research this project entails concerns the provenance of a book, which is to say its history of ownership. From clues like signatures, shelf marks, and bookplates, it is possible with some careful digging to discover where a book was before it came to its 21st century resting place."
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domenica, luglio 27, 2014
APLAR - Applicazioni laser nel restauro CITTÀ DEL VATICANO 18 - 19 settembre 2014 Musei Vaticani
Musei Vaticani "
La quinta edizione del convegno APLAR sarà tenuta nella Città del Vaticano. Le edizioni precedenti si sono svolte a Vicenza (16 giugno 2007), Siena (4 luglio 2008), Bari (18-19 giugno 2010) e Roma (14-15 giugno 2012). Continua...
APLAR - Applicazioni laser nel restauro:
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giovedì, luglio 24, 2014
Paper Conservator Apply for jobs at the V&A - Victoria and Albert Museum
Paper Conservator | |
£ 25407 - 30537 Per Annum Full-time | |
The V&A is the world's leading museum of art and design. We enrich people's lives by promoting the practice of design and increasing knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world. The Conservation Department fulfils a major role in helping the Museum deliver its wider objectives. It has a worldwide reputation for the excellence of its practical work, for innovative ideas and for pioneering the scientific and ethical approach to conservation, also for sharing this expertise. We now have a fixed-term post available in the Conservation Department for a Paper Conservator. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a busy studio dealing with a wide range of paper-based objects. You should have a recognised qualification in Paper Conservation and relevant demonstrable working experience. This is a fixed-term contract from 1st October 2014 – 25th September 2015. Closing date for applications is midnight, Sunday 27th July. Interviews are to be held on Thursday 14th August. If shortlisted for interview you will be expected to bring a portfolio with 2 – 3 examples of your work. |
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venerdì, luglio 18, 2014
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis | ICCROM
Culture cannot wait!
Dates: 30 March-24 April 2015; four-week course
Application deadline: 22 September 2014
Place: Amsterdam with study visits to other cities in the Netherlands"First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis | ICCROM:
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martedì, luglio 15, 2014
Unusual binding? | Ligatus
Submitted by Nicholas Pickwoad on Fri, 11/07/2014 - 13:51
I saw this binding in the Stiftsbiblothek St Gallen earlier this year with a type of cover that I have never seen before. It is made up from two pieces of manuscript waste (written locally, 11th or 12th century), one on each side, which overlap on the spine, to which they are adhered. Read more on Nicholas Pickwoad 's Blog Unusual binding? | Ligatus:
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lunedì, luglio 14, 2014
II Conferenza Nazionale sui Beni Culturali | Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi
Si terrà a Roma, il 17 e 18 ottobre prossimi presso la “Casa dei Cavalieri di Rodi” in p.zza Del Grillo 1, la II Conferenza Nazionale sui Beni culturali dal titolo “La biologia per la valorizzazione dei beni culturali: competenze e opportunità”.
L’evento è stato organizzato dalla commissione permanente di studio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi “Tutela dei beni culturali”.
Di seguito riportiamo il programma delle due giornate formative e il modulo per la richiesta di partecipazione."II Conferenza Nazionale sui Beni Culturali | Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi:
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giovedì, luglio 10, 2014
Fail to prepare for digitisation, prepare to fail at digitising! - Collection Care blog
Planning a digitisation project can be a lengthy process with consideration required for strategic alignment, funding models, workflow, and metadata – all of which should be led by a clear definition of the overall purpose of the digitisation project. What must also be considered are the practical aspects of digitisation bearing in mind the condition and format of items, and identifying what needs to be done to items to make them camera ready.
There are potential risks from digitisation as books become objects when being copied, and therefore may not be handled, positioned or viewed in the conventional way. This increased handling can accelerate the normal process of wear and tear. In order to minimise these risks the items should be checked over before appearing in the imaging studio. These checks are run by our Preventive Conservation team who make initial condition assessments of items to be digitised; recommend any treatments to stabilise or repair items; and advise on handling and transport, camera equipment, lighting and cradles. We are Collection Care after all!
The outcome of pre-digitisation checks fall broadly under five headings which will be covered in this post, and we’ll share some examples of what to look out for."
read more: Fail to prepare for digitisation, prepare to fail at digitising! - Collection Care blog:
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lunedì, luglio 07, 2014
Tape Removal from an 18th Century Binding | Current Projects
Posted by Abigail Bainbridge on April 22, 2014 · Leave a Comment
By Anahit Campbell
The binding before treatment
Sellotape on books is never a good idea.
After removing pressure-sensitive tape that was placed on the cover of the signal book that I am conserving entitled Instructions for the Conduct of the Ships of War from 1792, I spent a significant amount of time researching and sampling methods to remove the adhesive residue that was left behind by the pressure-sensitive tape. Although the process involved a lot of thought and trial, I did enjoy the process, and in the end I was able to successfully remove the adhesive residue left behind by the pressure-sensitive tape, without damage to the delicate marble paper or leather beneath.
Pressure-sensitive tape removal using directed hot air blower
I began by removing the aged pressure-sensitive tape that adhered the reference number to the spine and cover boards. This was done by directing hot air at the tape while gently and slowly peeling the carrier layer back with a micro-spatula. Even though the carrier is removed, the adhesive layer often is left behind, like in the case of the “Signal Book” on the surface of the object.
[See Sibel Ergener’s blog post for more information regarding tape removal.]"
click to read more... Tape Removal from an 18th Century Binding | Current Projects:
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Workshops on the Conservation and Restoration of Japanese Works on Paper and Silk at Museum fuer Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Workshops on the Conservation and Restoration of Japanese Works on Paper and Silk
at Museum fuer Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
December 3rd – 5th and December 8th – 12th 2014
The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo is pleased to announce two
workshops on the conservation and restoration of Japanese works of art on paper and silk
to take place in Berlin in December 2014. The workshops are free of charge, and will be
conducted in Japanese with consecutive English translation at Museum fuer Asiatische Kunst,
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Asian Art Museum, National Museums in Berlin).
Workshop 1: “Basic - Conservation of Japanese artworks on paper and silk -”
for Conservators, Restorers and Restoration Specialists, Curators, Researchers, and
Students of Asian Art and/or Restoration Sciences, December 3rd – 5th 2014
This three-day workshop is designed to introduce Japanese artworks on paper and silk through
lectures and demonstrations by Japanese specialists as well as practical exercises. Emphasis
will be on the formats, the materials and techniques, general principles of conservation and
restoration, as well as advice and practical exercises on the handling of scrolls.
Participation is limited to 20 and requires an application with the attached form part 1 by June
30th. Notification of selection will be send by e-mail on July 31th.
Workshop 2: “Advanced - Restoration of Japanese hanging scrolls -”
for Conservators, Restorers and Restoration Specialists, December 8th – 12th 2014
This five-day workshop is aimed at conservation and restoration specialists who already have
an advanced knowledge of Japanese restoration and conservation techniques. It is designed to
introduce the analysis of damages on Japanese hanging scrolls, emergency measures such as
reinforcement with paper strips (Japanese: orefuse), the removing and re-attaching of roller
rods as well as restoration techniques such as lining with Japanese paper through practical
Applicants are required to have previously taken either “Basics for Japanese artworks
on paper and silk” or a similar Workshop of the National Research Institute for Cultural
Properties Tokyo such as JPC 2006 downward. Participation is limited to 10 and requires
registration with the attached form (part 1+2) by June 30th. Notification of selection will be
send via e-mail on July 31th.
Venue: Museum fuer Asiatische Kunst
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
1st Floor Lecture and Event Room
via staff entrance: Takustr. 40, 14195 Berlin
Access: Subway U 3: Dahlem-Dorf , Bus X 11, X 83 (Dahlem-Dorf)
Suggestions for Accommodation:
Seminaris Campus Hotel Berlin, Takustr. 39, 14195 Berlin
Ibis hotel City West
or the Motel one chain:
Application Form Part 1
for Workshop 1 “Basics - Conservation of Japanese artworks on Paper and Silk-”
for Conservators, Restorers and Restoration Specialists, Curators, Researchers, and Students
of Asian Art and/or Restoration Sciences, December 3rd – 5th 2014
affiliation / position:
phone: facsimile:
if student, please state major: year:
Application Form Part 2
for Workshop 2 “Advanced -Restoration of Japanese Hanging Scroll-”
for Conservators, Restorers and Restoration Specialists, December 8th – 12th 2014
If you are applying for workshop 2 only, please provide details when you have previously
taken part in “Basics for Japanese Paper and silk conservation”, JCP or similar:
Please detail prior experience in conservation / restoration and in working with Japanese
materials, if any:
Please provide a short statement of interest indicating how participation is related to your
Please return via e-mail to:
or via facsimile transmission to: +49-(0)30-8301-501 by June 30th 2014 at the latest.
giovedì, luglio 03, 2014
Ligatus Research Centre Survey
The Ligatus Research Centre at the University of the Arts, London produces internationally recognised research in the fields of book history and conservation.
Over the past 14 years the Centre has developed resources and tools to aid the understanding and description of the bindings on books and their condition. Many of these tools involve the application of innovative technology to organise knowledge and information so that it is easier to use.
The Centre's research has application to the growing academic field of the history of the book as the structure of books can reveal unique information about provenance, production, ownership and the book trade. Knowledge of book structures can also help to identify unique and distinctive attributes of books, the recording of which adds valuable copy-specific metadata to catalogue records.
The Centre is now investigating wider interest in its research and is developing services which will help people with the practical application of the tools and resources it has created.
This short survey takes 5 minutes to complete. Your answers will inform the future direction of the Centre's research and help to identify which services have the greatest potential to benefit the wider research community. Your participation is much appreciated.
Professor Nicholas Pickwoad
Ligatus Research Centre
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mercoledì, luglio 02, 2014
Princeton University - Jobs at Princeton : Posting Details
Within this context, the Rare Books Conservator performs all aspects of book conservation designed to preserve the books' historical, artifactual, and intrinsic value while insuring their ability to be used. The Rare Books Conservator should be comfortable assessing, discussing, recommending, and performing treatment and stabilization of bound books and manuscripts across a spectrum of traditions. She or he should approach each treatment with sensitivity, and be versatile, calling upon their knowledge of materials and techniques drawn from deep experience with the craft.
The Rare Books Conservator works in close association with Preservation Office staff including the Head, Library Preservation and the Rare Books, Paper, and Collections conservators. As part of this team, and in close collaboration with curators throughout the library, she or he formulates preservation and conservation priorities and treatment, as well as housing strategies for Princeton University Library's rare and unique bound materials.
While the emphasis of this position is on single-item treatment, the Rare Books Conservator contributes to the overall preservation effort by advising our colleagues throughout the Library on care and handling of rare materials during use, collection storage and transport, exhibition, and digital imaging. In addition, she or he will be called upon to provide training to staff and/or interns. This position reports directly to the Head of Library Preservation.
Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations. read more: Princeton University - Jobs at Princeton : Posting Details:
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giovedì, giugno 19, 2014
Crowfunding restauro libri Certosa di Padula
Il progetto vede la nascita di una simbiosi importante tra Confindustria Salerno, rappresentata dal presidente Mauro Maccauro, e la Soprintendenza BAP di Salerno e Avellino, guidata da Gennaro Miccio.
Diana Della Mura18 Giugno 2014
Al via la raccolta fondi sulla piattaforma Derev per il restauro di cinque libri della Certosa di Padula." continua a leggere ... Crowfunding restauro libri Certosa di Padula:
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giovedì, giugno 05, 2014
Ligatus Summer School 2014 | Ligatus Summer School
22 – 26 September: The History of European Bookbinding 1450-1830.
29 September – 3 October: Identifying and recording bookbinding structures of the Eastern Mediterranean.
6 – 10 October: Byzantine bookbinding: a practical workshop.
This year’s Ligatus Summer School will take place in the beautiful city of Ljubljana in Slovenia, and will be hosted by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.
The price is £300 per week per participant, and this includes fees for teaching only. Travel, food and accommodation would need to be arranged individually by each student."Apply online by clicking hereLigatus Summer School 2014 | Ligatus Summer School:
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martedì, maggio 27, 2014
Severe Flood Closed Five Libraries in ex-Yugoslavia
Severe Flood Closed Five Libraries in ex-Yugoslavia
Many cities in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia have suffered major damage in heavy floods these days. When it comes to libraries, book funds and equipment were destroyed in Doboj, Čelinac and Šamac (Republic of Srpska, BIH), Maglaj (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BIH) and Obrenovac (Serbia).
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sabato, maggio 24, 2014
The book rustlers of Timbuktu: how Mali's ancient manuscripts were saved | World news | The Guardian
When Mali's historic city was taken by rebels, thousands of priceless ancient manuscripts came under threat. We report on a dangerous operation to smuggle the archive to safety"
read more: The book rustlers of Timbuktu: how Mali's ancient manuscripts were saved | World news | The Guardian:
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venerdì, maggio 23, 2014
What Causes "Old Book Smell"? | Mental Floss
11.7K Share
Matt Soniak
filed under: Big Questions, books, science
“A combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness” is how an international team of chemists describes the unique odor of old books in a study. read more...What Causes "Old Book Smell"? | Mental Floss:
giovedì, maggio 22, 2014
martedì, maggio 20, 2014
The Fix: Binding Waste – Smithsonian Libraries Blog
This post was written by Vanessa Haight Smith, head of Preservation Services.
When repairing older books, the Smithsonian Libraries conservators occasionally uncover evidence of recycling by the original bookbinders. Paper from damaged and discarded volumes was frequently used when binding new books. Why use a new, clean sheet of paper when a leftover scrap would work just as well?
With the development of moveable type in the mid fifteenth century, numerous manuscripts were replaced with printed copies and eventually, the discarded parchment became useful material for new bookbindings. While the use of binding waste has varied throughout the centuries (having been used on all parts of books from covering material to paper repair) we most frequently see it used to line spines."read more: The Fix: Binding Waste – Smithsonian Libraries Blog:
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domenica, maggio 18, 2014
Large objects are not usually a challenge for the Northeast Document Conservation Center’s conservation lab. The Center’s facility is equipped with specialized sinks and work tables that accommodate even very large objects, such as wall maps, posters, wallpaper, architectural drawings, works of art on paper, and other oversize materials.
NEDCC’s paper conservators recently worked on a project that could be classified as EXTRA EXTRA large. The Garibaldi Panorama is among the longest paintings in the world, measuring 260 feet long and 4½ feet high. From the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at the John Hay Library of Brown University, the two-sided work of art on paper depicts the life story of Italian patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi, who played a major role in the unification of Italy.
read more: Extra Extra Large Art: — NEDCC:
sabato, maggio 17, 2014
vincitori del bando "L’mpiego dell’Hanji, la carta coreana.
vincitori del bando "L’mpiego dell’Hanji, la carta coreana. Workshop sulla conservazione della carta
Di seguito riportiamo in ordine alfabetico la lista dei vincitori del bando “L’mpiego dell’Hanji, la carta coreana. Workshop sulla conservazione della carta” -
ABATE Eleonora - BARZAGHI Laura - CATTANEO Barbara - DELIA Federica - DIAZ GONZALEZ Elisa - ORTEGA BOLDO Sara - PETRELLA Gaia - PIGNATTI MORANO Gianlorenzo - RUELLO Stefania - ZORZELLA Lucia I vincitori verranno contattati individualmente nei prossimi giorni. Ringraziamo anche i numerosi partecipanti esclusi, invitandoli a presentare domanda per le prossime attività che organizzeremo. Controllate periodicamente il sito del Consolato per essere informati.
martedì, maggio 13, 2014
Meet Our Adopt a Book Conservators - Collection Care blog
Meet Our Adopt a Book Conservators
giovedì, maggio 08, 2014
Adapt and Evolve : Conference 2015 | Icon Book and Paper Group
Adapt & evolve : East Asian materials and techniques in Western conservation
Icon Book & Paper Group, United Kingdom
This conference aims to explore the introduction, formalisation and evolution of East Asian materials and techniques that have become part of paper conservation practice across the globe. During the conference, speakers and delegates will look into how these practices, materials and techniques have been adapted and developed within the conservation of Western book and paper collections. The conference will draw together key speakers from across the international conservation community, providing delegates with a fresh view of current research into materials and techniques borrowed from Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea. The conference will provide opportunities for delegates to take part in practical workshops and will feature a wide variety of trade stalls, including papermakers from East Asia. The two-day conference will be proceeded by a day of studio visits where delegates will have an opportunity for to book into pre-arranged tours of conservation studios in London.